


Biden lays into Trump during New Hampshire stop

Matthew Medsger, Boston Herald on

Published in Political News

President Joe Biden was in New Hampshire on Tuesday to spread the word about his administration’s work to lower the price of prescription drugs, but he also used the visit as a chance to offer a stark warning about a potential second Trump White House.

Biden joined Vermont’s Independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders at NHTI Community College in Concord for an invite-only afternoon event where the president laid out his thoughts on the choice that voters face this November.

Trump, Biden said to start his diatribe, wants to replace the Affordable Care Act and yet only has “a concept of a plan” to put in its place.

“He has no concept of anything. No plan. If we don’t elect Kamala, if Trump gets elected, he can kick up to 45 million off their health insurance,” Biden said, flashing anger on his face.

According to Biden, over 100 million U.S. patients are at risk of losing their health insurance under a second Trump term, if the protections of their preexisting conditions are removed.

The 45th president, according to the 46th, and his “MAGA Republican” allies in Congress, want to do away with the Inflation Reduction Act, which Biden credits for capping the cost for seniors to buy insulin and other prescription drugs at $35 a month, or $2,000 per year.

The Republican goal, Biden said, is nothing short of “raising prescription drug prices, again, for millions of Americans.”

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that Medicare drug pricing negotiations will save taxpayers $3.7 billion in the first year.

The former president, while in office, Biden said, “exploded the national debt — more than any previous president.”

“In a single term, this guy raised the national debt by $2 trillion, because of a tax cut that overwhelmingly benefits the very wealthy and the biggest corporations,” Biden said.


If reelected, Trump “wants another $5 trillion tax cut for the very wealthy,” Biden said.

he continued that Trump has been clear that he wants to do away with the Department of Education entirely and “gut” Social Security and Medicare, “which he says he wants to do – hurt hard working people.”

“I’ve got a better idea: Let’s protect Social Security and Medicare and finally start making the very wealthy pay their fair share to keep these programs. I mean it!” the president said.

According to the president, “we’re at one of those inflection points, folks.”

“The decisions we make in the next election are going to determine what this country looks like for the next four or five decades, and that’s not hyperbole,” he said.

To get it right, Biden told the audience, “we just have to remember who we are.”

“We’re the United States, and there is nothing beyond our capacity, not a damn thing beyond our capacity. We’re the only history in the nation of the world that’s come out of every crisis stronger than when we went in — every one,” he said.


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