Life Advice



Tips for Dust Mites

Annie Lane on

Dear Readers: One of the more interesting letters we received recently concerned dust mites, which are always a problem but especially during summer months when temperatures and humidity rise. I thought you would find these tips, offered by David Chapman of Ultimate Mats, helpful for keeping your home free of dust mites this summer.

"Increase Sunlight and Ventilation

"If exposed to enough sunlight, dust mites will dehydrate and heat up simultaneously, creating a hostile environment. Dry conditions make it hard for dust mites to reproduce, and UV light can also damage their DNA, with prolonged exposure to sunlight eventually killing them.

"Ventilation works similarly. By allowing fresh air to circulate and removing moist air, it prevents the buildup of humidity that dust mites thrive in. You can ensure ventilation is adequate by keeping windows open this summer, which, in turn, will also allow natural sunlight to enter your home.

"Steam Clean Upholstery

"Dust mites thrive on dead skin cells, pollen and pet dander that often accumulate in upholstery fibers. Not only will steam cleaning upholstery remove hypoallergenic particles, it will also improve air quality.


"Regular cleaning, either through vacuuming or steam cleaning, helps to remove any particles, depriving dust mites of their food source and resulting in a disruption of their habitat.

"Keep Pets Groomed and Clean

"Regular grooming helps to remove loose fur, dander and skin flakes from your pet's coat. These organic materials serve as a food source for dust mites, so minimizing shedding decreases the availability of nutrients that support dust mites' population.

"Utilize Dehumidifiers


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