Health Advice



Another unsweet tale about artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners were heralded as a solution to American's sugar addiction. After all, the average person consumes 17 teaspoons of added sugar a day, according to the American Heart Association -- and that spells an epidemic of chronic inflammation, overweight, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and even psoriasis...Read more

Two easy ways to lower your blood sugar

Around 90 million folks in the U.S. take metformin to treat Type 2 diabetes. And recent research shows that it offers many added benefits: It helps folks with prediabetes avoid progression to full-blown Type 2, helps protect the heart, reduces the risk of stroke and lowers the risk of some cancers and of dementia in folks with diabetes. That's ...Read more

Hands down the best ways to protect your hands

You've got to hand it to your hands -- they are magnificent pieces of engineering. Twenty-nine bones and a network of muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels work together to allow you to do precise movements or grand gestures. Until they don't.

One study found that more than 40% of participants of all ages and races had ...Read more

How to avoid a stroke of bad luck

You may think that a stroke, caused by a blockage in a blood vessel in the brain or by a brain bleed, only happens to older folks. Well, think again. From 2011 to 2022, the rate of stroke jumped by almost 15% in people ages 18 to 44.

Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that the increase in strokes among younger ...Read more

Your steps count

We have long advocated walking -- with an ultimate goal of 10,000 steps or step equivalents a day, every day, no excuses -- as a consistently good way to protect your health. But official exercise recommendations -- get 150 minutes a week of moderate to intense exercise weekly -- haven't ever said how much walking might provide benefits that are...Read more

Windowsill gardens boost immune strength and cool inflammation

About 40% of Americans live in buildings with five or more residences -- and for most folks, that means they're cut off from outdoor green spaces where they can grow veggies. That's both a culinary loss (what tastes better than lettuce or tomatoes that you grew yourself?) and it short-changes your health.

But it does not have to. Many folks can...Read more

The power of exercise to prevent and control symptoms of PD

Michael J. Fox once said, "We may each have our own individual Parkinson's, but we all share one thing in common. Hope." Well, new research published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, backs that up.

Danish researchers analyzed various studies and found that high levels of physical activity, particularly from middle age on,...Read more

Are sodium levels in meds sabotaging your heart-healthy efforts?

If you have Type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure, you want to do everything you can to reduce your risks for heart attack and stroke. In addition to complying with your doctor's prescribed treatments, that means getting plenty of exercise, eating a heart-friendly diet and making sure you don't ingest too little or too much salt.

But even the ...Read more

ER visits for cannabis poisoning skyrocket for older folks

When country singer Kacey Musgraves sings "High Time": "... I've been too low, so it's high time," there are a lot of folks nodding their heads in agreement these days. A new study shows that for the first time in the U.S., daily or almost-daily marijuana users outnumber daily or almost-daily drinkers.

Many of the 18 million daily marijuana ...Read more

Don't hem 'n haw about hemorrhoids

Many world leaders have contended with hemorrhoids, including U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. But we don't hear about the millions of other Americans who have to deal with the itching, bleeding, swelling and pain that hemorrhoids can cause. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, about half of folks have them by age 50.

If that's you...Read more

Summertime and the living is ... chancy

Longer days, warmer temperatures, more outdoor sports activities -- and more hazards. Every summer, the number of folks who go to the emergency room spikes, hitting around 35 million. They're there for everything from dehydration and insect bites to pickleball and bike accidents. So, to help you have more fun in the sun, here are four tips that ...Read more

How mammograms can reveal heart disease

Women in the U.S. go for 40 million screening mammograms every year. And not only does that give them the opportunity to catch breast cancer in its early stages when it is highly treatable -- even curable -- it also provides a chance to diagnose often overlooked signs of heart disease.

That's because a mammogram can show the build-up of calcium...Read more

Of all the nerve

When Sammy Davis Jr. sang "... The rhythm of life is a powerful beat/Puts a tingle in your fingers and a tingle in your feet," he was expressing joy. But for folks with peripheral neuropathy, a tingle in the fingers and feet isn't something to be happy about.

Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage that causes numbness and pain in the hands and ...Read more

Gulping down GLP-1 agonists

In a country where 70% of folks are overweight or obese, nearly 49 million folks have Type 2 diabetes and close to 100 million have prediabetes, it isn't surprising that diabetes/weight-loss medications such as Trulicity and Byetta are wildly popular. These and other GLP-1 agonists, which trigger insulin release, block glucagon secretion, make ...Read more



1 and Done Bizarro Daddy's Home Drew Sheneman Baby Blues Dave Granlund