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Helping Tweens Caught In The 'fatigue Whirlpool'

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: My two "tweens" tell me they love school with all of the activities they're involved in and seeing their friends daily. But this school year they seem to be increasingly irritable; every morning is a battle to get them both going and out the door without setting off a tantrum. Do you have any advice?

Jim: It's worth evaluating to see if your...Read more

Adoption Can Bring Priceless Rewards

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: My cousin and his wife recently adopted a child. My husband and I had never thought about doing that, but now we're curious. I've heard you're a big proponent of adoption -- why?

Jim: Let me do a little name-dropping: Babe Ruth. Eleanor Roosevelt. Nelson Mandela. Nancy Reagan. President Gerald Ford. Dave Thomas (the founder of Wendy's). ...Read more

Connecting With Your Children Is Vital

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I want to be a good dad to my two young kids, but I struggle relating with them. I've got a successful career in sales and have no problem connecting well with my clients on an adult level. Do you have any tips on learning to speak "child"?

Jim: You may already have a finely honed skill that'll get you most of the way there. You're probably ...Read more

Disagreements Over Finances Common In Marriage

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I'm a firm believer in budgeting, but my husband doesn't think it will work in our situation. How can I convince him that this approach is important?

Jim: Finances are one of the most significant -- and common -- issues in any marriage. Disagreements about money can create huge problems between husband and wife. But the need for good ...Read more


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