
What’s the key to redirecting the mind?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Entertainment about dying and going to Heaven and coming back and telling breathtaking stories are popular. It’s a distraction from reality. The other horror that has been popularized is that Hell will be an eternal happy hour – fantasies that my kids are believing because of cultural ...Read more
Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the First Timothy?
A) Paul
B) Peter
C) James
D) John
What was the name of the tribe of Israel that David belonged to?
A) Benjamin
B) Judah
C) Levi
D) Simeon

Bird flu is causing an egg shortage. A church is giving dozens to those in need
COLUMBIA, S.C. — “It’s an eggs-ellent day,” Pastor John Ptak said as an orderly line formed and a light drizzle fell outside the White Knoll, South Carolina, campus of Radius Church on Thursday morning.
People lined up early for free eggs, handed out by the dozen at the weekly food pantry operated by the church.
When they heard of the ...Read more

Can I mend my relationships with my parents?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My parents didn’t have much time for us children but they did provide for us lavishly. I want to be successful like they have been – traveling the world, attending parties – but I can’t hide the fact that my siblings and I really don’t like being around them. I don’t want to just feed my...Read more
What is the main theme of the First Thessalonians?
A) Repentance and forgiveness
B) God's justice and righteousness
C) Encouragement in the face of persecution and the hope of Christ's return
D) The establishment of the kingdom of God
What is the famous passage in Jeremiah that describes the fate of Judah?
A) Jeremiah 4:1-4
B) Jeremiah 7:1-15
C) Jeremiah 29:1-10
D) Jeremiah 52:1-11

Is there a way to straighten out my tangled mind?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My job was eliminated and I was given the chance to work in another position reporting to a person I hired and trained. I left the company pretty mad. This was unfair and unjust. I’m not happy with how I’m handling it, but I would have been more miserable if I had stayed under such humiliating ...Read more
What is the famous passage in Hosea that describes God's unfailing love?
A) Hosea 2:14-23
B) Hosea 4:1-19
C) Hosea 7:1-16
D) Hosea 11:1-11
What was the name of the king of Judah who was carried away into Babylon but was later released?
A) Jehoiachin
B) Zedekiah
C) Ahaz
D) Manasseh
Who is the author of the Book of Haggai?
A) Haggai
B) Nahum
C) Micah
D) Obadiah
What was the name of the king who succeeded David and built the first temple in Jerusalem?
A) Solomon
B) Rehoboam
C) Jeroboam
D) Asa

Why do people always point to the suffering of Job as a reason for sickness and hard times?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Why do people always point to the suffering of Job as a reason for sickness and hard times? – J.P.
A: The book of Job does not set out to answer the problem of suffering but to proclaim a God so great that no answer is needed.
God’s proving ground comes when trouble hits and the evil motives ...Read more
What is the central theme of the Song of Solomon?
A) The beauty of nature
B) The majesty of God
C) The power of love
D) The importance of wisdom
What is another name for the Song of Solomon?
A) The Song of Songs
B) The Song of Solomon and Bathsheba
C) The Love Song of King David
D) The Proverb of Love

Why is it so hard to straighten out the messes people create?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: We’ve become a nation overcome by fear and danger. Our cities are no longer safe. Why is it so hard to straighten out the messes people create? – F.W.
A: Lawlessness is not confined to the city streets. Most law enforcement officers say the most dangerous calls are those related to domestic ...Read more
Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the Third John?
A) John
B) Paul
C) James
D) Peter
What was the penalty for eating unclean animals?
A) Excommunication from the community
B) A fine of two shekels
C) Death
D) Public shaming

Are mass deportations Christian? Florida leaders contemplate the question
Thomas Wenski, the archbishop of Miami, has been working with immigrants in Miami for going on 50 years.
His flock is worried. Although thousands of recent immigrants in his Catholic archdiocese are here legally, many know people who are not. Florida is home to some 1.2 million people who are in the country illegally.
Some of Wenski’s ...Read more

The God Squad: The way love heals us
In an interfaith column like The God Squad, it is easy to scoop up sectarian holidays and learn from their wisdom. Passover, Chanukah, Easter, Christmas, Diwali, Ramadan, Vesak all have much to teach us about the way sacred time intersects with secular time. However, the sacred calendar does not have ...Read more
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