Life Advice



Ask Amy: Marrying couple seeks serving help

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

If I thought my future mother-in-law was wrong, I would simply tell her.

Instead, I see a good idea with no clear way to execute it.

What do you think we should do?

– Stressed by Stupid Little Details

Dear Stressed: I agree with your future mother-in-law that it is a good idea to have someone on the other side of the buffet line, helping to serve and perhaps removing the serving dishes and putting out the cake afterward.

I’m not sure how having help fits into the concerns about Covid, but overall, having even one extra pair of hands would be extremely useful.


Furthermore, you could probably hire a helper for two hours for $50.

Your caterer might have recommendations, and if you receive a reasonable quote, perhaps your mother-in-law would help pay for this.

It sounds as if you have a helpful and hands-on family and friend group. You could also accept their help – perhaps in shifts. This is a communal celebration meal, and for many people, helping to serve would be an honor.

My last suggestion might seem odd, but perhaps you and your new spouse should serve your guests, yourselves.


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