Life Advice



Ask Amy: Husband thinks his wife is too close to her kids

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

One way for your husband to honor his marriage to you would be for him to love and respect the kind of parent you are.

Because this is an ongoing issue, you would both benefit from talking it out with the aid of a counselor.

Dear Amy: I’ve been with my girlfriend “Crissy” for almost two years. We live together and are in our mid-20’s.

We have both been working and have been able to pay our expenses and even save a little money toward getting a better apartment.

Crissy quit her job just before Christmas because she felt the environment was toxic and she basically hated her job. I don’t blame her for hating her job – at all. I would have hated it, too.

Unfortunately, she quit before she had looked for a new job and now it is over three months later and she hasn’t looked at all. We have gone through our savings and I can just barely pay our expenses.


Crissy now says that she would like to be a “stay-at-home girlfriend.” She doesn’t want to work.

I am not sure what to do.

Any ideas?

– Tired Boyfriend


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