Health Advice



Happy To Be Here. Or There.

Scott LaFee on

Beef and pork are self-explanatory, but "mechanically separated chicken" sounds ominous -- and it is, especially for the chicken (even dead). Mechanical separation is a process in which the chicken's soft tissues are separated from hard, inedible bones by passing it through a sieve under high pressure. The result is a batter-like paste that can still sometimes contain undesirable bits such as nerves, skin and organs. Besides gas station meat sticks, notes the website Mental Floss, the process is also used to make hot dogs and bologna.

Best Medicine

Q: What do you call a doctor who graduated at the bottom of his class?

A: Doctor.


"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." -- American writer Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)


Medical History

This week in 1981, the journal Nature published the longest scientific name in history. With 16,569 nucleotides, the systematic name for human mitochondrial DNA is 207,000 letters long.


Q: Why is that particular piece of gym equipment called a "dumbbell"?


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