


Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz stands with Biden despite debate performance, urges doubters to stop 'pearl-clutching'

Anthony Man, South Florida Sun-Sentinel on

Published in Political News

The congresswoman has a long history with Biden.

When Biden was a U.S. senator from Delaware, he was the lead Senate sponsor and Wasserman Schultz was the lead House sponsor of legislation to combat child exploitation. It was signed into law by then-President George W. Bush in 2008.

When he was vice president and Congress was considering then-President Barack Obama’s controversial Iran nuclear deal, Biden visited Davie for a session with Jewish community leaders invited by Wasserman Schultz.

And when he was vice president, Biden gave the commencement address to the Cypress Bay High School class of 2012. Cypress Bay is in Wasserman Schultz’s hometown of Weston.

As a student at the University of Florida, she supported Biden in his first presidential campaign — in 1988.


“I have been supporting Joe Biden and believed that he should be president of the United States someday for my whole adult life, from my first vote for president,” Wasserman Schultz said in 2020.

Wasserman Schultz has often praised Biden, once introducing him as a “national treasure” and a “mensch.”


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