


Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz stands with Biden despite debate performance, urges doubters to stop 'pearl-clutching'

Anthony Man, South Florida Sun-Sentinel on

Published in Political News

“There’s just honesty, goodness and no quit in @JoeBiden,” she wrote in a social media post. In another post, she said that “Americans do not want four more years of Trump lies and chaos. I stand with @JoeBiden.” And a day after that she praised Biden, criticized Trump and ended a post with “I’m #RidenWithBiden.”

Other South Florida Democrats were more restrained on social media.

An hour before the debate, Frankel posted that she was “Looking forward to tonight’s debate! Excited to support President Biden and highlight the incredible progress we’ve made under his leadership.”

As of midday Tuesday, Frankel hadn’t posted anything about Biden’s performance, though on Saturday she posted that June was “Men’s Health Month! Let’s encourage the men in our lives to prioritize their health by getting regular check-ups, staying active, and talking openly about mental well-being. A healthier future starts today.”

U.S. Rep. Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat who represents parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties, commented only indirectly. Just as the debate was ending, he wrote that “In the last hour, I have 25 tweets in my draft folder.” He didn’t post any.

U.S. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, who also represents parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties, didn’t address Biden’s performance.


She posed with three other Black women members of Congress on the steps of the Capitol. The representatives said it was a “Busy day in Congress doing our ‘Black jobs’ representing our constituents and fighting for justice and opportunity.” That was a commentary on one of Trump’s debate comments, in which he asserted that undocumented immigrants were taking “Black jobs” from citizens.

Long alliance

Wasserman Schultz’s assessment of Biden on Tuesday was similar to her assessment before the March 2020 Florida presidential primary when she endorsed him in what at the time was still a competitive contest for the Democratic nomination.

She said in an interview at the time that it “was a very easy decision” because Biden was the Democrat best equipped to defeat Trump and effectively lead the country.


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