


Looking to rebound from debate, Biden in NC declares: 'I know how to do this job'

Danielle Battaglia, Korie Dean, William Tong and Emmy Martin, The News & Observer on

Published in Political News

And, she said, she benefited from the president’s public service loan forgiveness plan.

“I would have been in debt for the rest of my life,” she said.

One person in the audience was turned off by Biden’s campaign team.

Roger Ehrlich, the son of a Holocaust survivor, told The News & Observer that event staff removed him from the rally because he wore a shirt that said “Jews say ceasefire now.”

And his removal may have cost Biden a vote.


Ehrlich said he was not disruptive and that he was cheering and clapping along with the crowd.

“By expressing my First Amendment with the words on my T-shirt, there might be more support among Democrats and more pressure on leaders to represent the majority who support a ceasefire,” Ehrlich said.


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