


Looking to rebound from debate, Biden in NC declares: 'I know how to do this job'

Danielle Battaglia, Korie Dean, William Tong and Emmy Martin, The News & Observer on

Published in Political News

It was in sharp contrast to his Thursday night appearance, watched by more than 50 million viewers and where his voice was hoarse and often hard to hear and some of his sentences trailed off.

“I give you my word as a Biden that I would not be running again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul I could do this job,” Biden said. “The stakes are too high.”

Biden then talked about how “dangerous” Trump is to the country and to democracy.

Biden’s speech was met by cheers and chants of “four more years” from the crowd.

“I give you my word as a Biden that we’re still a nation that that believes in honesty and decency and treating people with respect,” Biden said.

“Donald Trump will destroy democracy and I will defend it,” Biden said. “So folks, are you with me?”


Biden also gave hope to Alex Knott, a Raleigh resident, who said she didn’t come into the rally feeling that way.

“I don’t know what happened last night, but he just seemed to be on top of his game (Friday) — he was very coherent with everything he said,” Knott said.

As for Joselyn Holt McCall, a public school teacher in the Triangle, she was focused on what Biden has done for Americans.

Her support comes due to his policies on education and women’s reproductive rights.


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