


Charges dropped against defendant in straw donor case involving contributors to NYC Mayor Eric Adams

Graham Rayman, New York Daily News on

Published in Political News

Bamberger and Niles said Peek was the first African-American firefighter for the city of Troy, N.Y., and was injured in a fire in 1994 or 1995 while working for that department.

He suffered an ankle injury that required surgery and forced him to leave the department, Niles said.

Four of the other defendants, including retired NYPD Inspector Dwayne Montgomery and contractor Shamsuddin Riza have pleaded guilty to reduced charges.

One open case now remains – against Millicent Redick, a 78-year-old retired accountant from Harlem who has so far declined a misdemeanor plea offer.

None of the six worked for the campaign, which has not been accused of wrongdoing.

The original July 7, 2023, indictment said Peek “advised Riza and others on how to structure the contributions and on other matters relevant to the conspiracy, including how to avoid detection by the CFB.”


The indictment alleged Peek and Shamsuddin discussed the scheme by phone three times in July 2021.

In August 2021, the indictment alleged Riza asked Peek to call co-conspirator Shahid Mushtaq of a construction safety firm called EcoSafety Consultants and assist him to gathering straw donations from employees of the company. Mushtag and his brother Yahya Mushtaq have also both pleaded guilty.

“You gotta be careful ’cause you gotta make sure you do it through workers they trust, that’s not gonna talk, because remember a guy went to jail for that,” Peek said on Aug. 6 2021, according to the indictment.

Later that month, Peek allegedly told Riza he had given Montgomery $5,400 in checks to be contributed to the campaign, the indictment said.

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