From the Right



From Biden, Democrats: Believe Us, Not Your Own Eyes

Star Parker on

It appears that leadership of the Democratic Party is taking its inspiration from the famous line from the Marx Brothers film "Duck Soup," -- "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes."

There is just so long you can hide under a rock. President Joe Biden had no choice but crawl out and stand before the nation and debate, for all to see that the alleged leader of the free world barely can discern what day it is.

Yet Democratic Party leaders want us to believe them, not our own eyes, that Biden is perfectly capable of handling the responsibilities of the presidency.

Damage control began shortly after the debate as Mr. "Smooth Operator" himself, former president Barack Obama, weighed in on X saying, "Bad debate nights happen. ... But this election is ... between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight -- and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit."

In this case, it's clear who is lying "through his teeth for his own benefit."

I have been following and writing about politics for many years. This business is about discerning different approaches to public policy and airing differences of opinion.


But now we are beyond the policy debate, and I confess to being shocked.

Shocked to see reality laid so bare and clear that the raw lust for and love of power of Biden and his party permits them to endanger our nation by insisting that he is capable of handling the responsibilities of the presidency when clearly he is not.

We can understand why the White House has vigorously dug in, claiming presidential executive privilege, in denying the request of House Republicans to release the recording of special counsel Robert Hur's interviews with Biden regarding his handling of classified materials.

The tapes will show the tenuousness of the president's mental acuity; at one point he could not recall the date that his son died.


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