From the Right



How We Cope Shows Men and Women Are Different

From the Right / Star Parker /

I reported last week about the decided move of young women to the political left and away from the religious affiliation of their childhood.

But these measures, at least in the short run, do not appear to be relevant to the success young women are having in day-to-day living in America.

By measures such as work and academic achievement, ...Read more

Why Are More Young Women Than Young Men Moving Left?

From the Right / Star Parker /

It's not news that young people are further on the left of the political spectrum than older generations.

Of unique interest now is that the movement to the left is more disproportionate among young women than young men.

As a nation we should know this is happening and try to understand why.

Women, traditionally, have been the stabilizing ...Read more

An Important New Book About Reagan and the Presidency

From the Right / Star Parker /

Coincident with the new movie, "Reagan," is the release of an important new book about the Reagan presidency.

Ken Khachigian, chief speechwriter for Ronald Reagan from his presidential campaign in 1980 to the conclusion of his second term in 1988, has just published his memoirs from those years. The book, "Behind Closed Doors: In the Room ...Read more

Taking From Peter To Give to Paul Is Not America

From the Right / Star Parker /

A newspaper story several years ago reported about an elementary school teacher who held elections in his class.

The students picked their candidates -- one little boy competing against one little girl.

The little boy stood up before the class and shared his ideas for changes that would improve their lives. The little girl stood up and ...Read more

Time for a Federal Law Prohibiting Abortion

From the Right / Star Parker /

In June 2022, The Supreme Court, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, overturned Roe v. Wade, the decision that defined the law of the land regarding abortion since 1973.

Now we are in active national discourse about which abortion regime will fill this vacuum.

In Roe, the court ruled that the U.S. Constitution provides a right ...Read more

Let's Stop Negotiating With Terrorists

From the Right / Star Parker /

My organization, CURE, Center for Urban Renewal and Education, organized a delegation of 20 prominent pastors to travel to Israel to host a press conference on Oct. 7 as a show of support for and solidarity with Israelis on the one-year anniversary of the horrendous, savage terrorist attack that took place.

A few days ago, we were notified by...Read more

The Nation Needs a Great Reawakening

From the Right / Star Parker /

Over the years 1934-1961, British historian Arnold Toynbee published his 12-volume "A Study of History."

Toynbee studied the rise and fall of 23 civilizations. His conclusion was that great civilizations die not from external causes but from internal causes.

They commit suicide.

Toynbee concluded, In the words of one journalist, that "...Read more

Unions and Republicans

From the Right / Star Parker /

The appearance of Sean O' Brien, president of the Teamsters Union, in a key speaking slot at the Republican National Convention, raised a lot of eyebrows across the political spectrum about what is going on both with unions and with the Republican Party.

The union agenda and the traditional Republican agenda -- free markets, free trade, free ...Read more

Will the Chevron Decision Fix Big Government?

From the Right / Star Parker /

The Supreme Court recently ruled to overturn the Chevron doctrine precedent that has stood since 1984.

Recent precedent reversals, such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade, have gotten much more attention. But this change is of enormous importance, and everyone should know what it's about.

In the 1984 Chevron ruling, an environmental group, ...Read more

Bibi Netanyahu: Profile in Courage

From the Right / Star Parker /

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed this past week, at the invitation of House Speaker Mike Johnson, a joint session of Congress.

The prime minister's job that night was to make clear to the Congress, to the nation and to the world the "what" and "why" of Israel's operation in Gaza, following the murderous attack by Hamas ...Read more

George Washington Foresaw Today's Irresponsible, Immoral Leadership in Washington

From the Right / Star Parker /

In President Joe Biden's announcement on social media of his decision to not run for reelection, he ticked off the many wonderful achievements during his three and a half years in the nation's highest office.

But if things are so great, as Biden seems to think, why are Americans so dispirited?

Biden's personal polling is horrible. General ...Read more

What We Must Learn From Trump Shooting

From the Right / Star Parker /

We now have, as we would expect, a tsunami of commentary regarding the horrible assassination attempt on Donald Trump. It is not trivial to observe that at least the good news is that just about everyone agrees what happened is very bad and not an encouraging sign about the state of our nation.

After that point of agreement, we have many ...Read more

An Excellent Supreme Court Decision on Homelessness

From the Right / Star Parker /

Homelessness, unfortunately, has become a persistent and growing problem in the United States.

The Supreme Court, in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, just dealt with one big issue associated with this problem -- the ability of cities to prohibit camping on public property.

Per the city of Grants Pass, Oregon, the answer has been that the ...Read more


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