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It's a Dog's Strife

Scott LaFee on

Long COVID-19 rates are starting to flatten, leveling off at roughly 1 in 10 people infected by COVID-19. That's lower than the 3 in 10 people surveyed earlier who said they experienced brain fog, fatigue and other lingering symptoms after their initial illness. An estimated 17 million adults are currently living with long COVID-19, roughly equivalent to the number of people who have cancer or coronary artery disease.

Doc Talk

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca: Persistent dryness of the eye

Mania of the Week

Gamomania: An obsession with making unusual, strange or extravagant marriage proposals

Never Say 'Diet'


The Major League Eating speed-eating record for sweet corn is 61.75 ears in 12 minutes, held by Carmen Cincotti, who could do no butter.

Best Medicine

Patient: "It's terrible. I think I'm a dog. I walk around on all fours. I bark in the middle of the night. I eat kibble."

Psychiatrist: "Very interesting. Please lie down on the couch."


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