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Oleg Kryuchko/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: When the smart car is smarter than you are

Parents / Mom's Advice /

It has been 10 years since we bought a new car, which puts us roughly 2,000 light years behind the curve on automobile technology.

Our new car has smart car features, not to be confused with one of those little Smart cars that looks like it fell out of a Cracker Jack box and can be washed in a dishwasher.

We are still learning about all the ...Read more


Family, faith and therapy helped her recover from cardiac arrest, triple bypass and stroke

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Staying fit was important to Linda Griffin, especially after she was diagnosed with high blood pressure. That came after the birth of her third child, April, when Linda was 29. Since then, she'd taken medication to control her blood pressure.

She was also concerned about heart disease because her father had two bypass surgeries. He later died ...Read more


9 weeks after giving birth, former Chicago Bulls dancer had a mini-stroke

Parents / Mom's Advice /

As a captain of the Chicago Luvabull dancers in the late 1990s, Natalie Poli gasped for air after performing elaborate dances on the basketball court for Chicago Bulls fans.

Poli had danced her whole life – she started at age 3. In her eighth-grade graduation program, her answer to "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was "Dance for the...Read more

penguin random house/TNS

Keanu Reeves and China Miéville join forces in psychedelic 'The Book of Elsewhere'

Parents / Mom's Advice /

B is surviving, but not living. Existing with unconscious effort for over eighty thousand years, brought forth by a myth-spinning mother and lightning bolt of a father, he has been a weapon from birth and cannot avoid a life dedicated to killing, though he cannot die himself.

Such an existence must be exhausting, and in actor Keanu Reeves‘ ...Read more

Susan Vineyard/Dreamstime/TNS

Debra-Lynn B. Hook: The coming of autumn in a college town

Parents / Mom's Advice /

One of the promises of autumn where we live comes when the university marching band starts practicing on the front campus up the street from us.

Time was, I’d hear the unmistakable rat-a-tat-tat of the snare drums, and I’d grab my youngest by the hand and run the five minutes to the field in front of the music building where we would take ...Read more

Andrii Lysenko/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Brace yourself for the next wave of aging

Parents / Mom's Advice /

New research suggests that our thinking about aging is, well, old and outdated. A recent study claims people do not age gradually in a slow, linear fashion, but age in waves.

From what I gather, these are not gentle waves we are talking about, but waves more like tsunamis.

The first tsunami hits around age 44. Check and done.

My experience ...Read more

Koehler Books/TNS

One man’s search for spiritual enlightenment stretches cultures and continents

Parents / Mom's Advice /

“The man who comes back through the Door in the Wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out. He will be wiser but less sure, happier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance, yet better equipped to understand the … systematic reasoning to the unfathomable mystery which it tries, forever vainly, to ...Read more

Ian Andreiev/Dreamstime/TNS

Dancer had fainting spells for 18 years. Going into cardiac arrest finally led to a diagnosis

Parents / Mom's Advice /

The morning of Terrianne Zonca's grandfather's funeral in Honolulu, she was so busy getting ready that she forgot to eat breakfast.

Before going to the mortuary, Zonca's family gathered at her parents' house. They shared a glass of sake in honor of her beloved grandfather.

When the service started, Zonca's heart was racing. Her palms were ...Read more

Woodhall Press/Woodhall Press/TNS

Disability memoir explores life, love and human experience through poetry

Parents / Mom's Advice /

It’s been said before that most poetry is autobiographical. Poetry is known to draw from a place of truth — whether emotional truth, universal observation, or personal anecdote. But "Recalibrating Gravity" by Mary Keating is a true memoir, told through a series of poems. In many ways, verse is the ideal form for Keating to share a story that...Read more

Isaiah Vazquez/Getty Images North America/TNS

College student saved her dad thanks to CPR training at Damar Hamlin's alma mater

Parents / Mom's Advice /

A few months after Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin went into cardiac arrest during an NFL game, his alma mater – the University of Pittsburgh – trained its roughly 400 athletes in CPR and how to use an automated external defibrillator.

For soccer goalie Ellie Breech, it was a refresher of the skills she'd learned while working summers as ...Read more

Andrii Shablovskyi/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Summer games are over the fence

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Heat waves still emanate from the grill. Paper plates, smeared with ketchup, mustard and remains of burgers and hot dogs, litter the tables.

One of the grands is sitting on her aunt’s lap. The grand just turned 14 and is a good three inches taller than her aunt. She is in an uncomfortable looking plank position with her long, lanky legs ...Read more

Darya Petrenko/Dreamstime/TNS

Understanding and managing the real medical condition of ‘moon face’

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like your face was rounder than usual? You might be experiencing what’s known as “moon face” or “cortisol face” — a condition where the face appears swollen and puffy. This health concern has been popping up on TikTok, where users are sharing their experiences and seeking answers.

Moon ...Read more


3 nutrients that might slow down aging, according to new study

Parents / Mom's Advice /

A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging identified three common nutrients that could potentially slow down the aging process.

The research, which analyzed data from nearly 4,000 postmenopausal women with an average age of 63, used advanced “epigenetic clock” technology to measure biological age and its ...Read more

Danny Hooks/Dreamstime/TNS

A missed pop fly stopped a 6-year-old's heart. His mom helped restart it with CPR

Parents / Mom's Advice /

When the Barracudas baseball team found itself in need of several players, 6-year-old Oscar Stuebe was happy to fill in as a teammate with his 7-year-old brother, Connor.

The Stuebe brothers also played together on The Yankees, another team in Palm Beach County, Florida. During a recent Yankees game, they had pulled off a fun feat. Oscar caught...Read more

Handout/Regnery Publishing/Skyhorse Publishing Inc./TNS

Mastering the game: Wilbur Ross on power, profit and perseverance

Parents / Mom's Advice /

It was one of his earliest and most unforgettable moments in corporate life. Young Wilbur Ross was closing a real estate deal with the legendary Bill Zeckendorf at the real estate magnate’s panoramic and totally circular office. Catching Ross gawking at his surroundings, Zeckendorf comes up from behind, puts his arm around the young man, and ...Read more

Benjamin Gelman/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Fort Knox has nothing on us

Parents / Mom's Advice /

I am married to Mr. Security. We have an entire plastic tub full of timers. The lights in our house never burn brighter than when we are not home.

I typically spend the day before we go out of town packing. He spends the day setting up timers and reminding me what lights I can and can’t turn on.

The lamp in the family room is off limits. It ...Read more


Congenital heart defect rates may be much higher than once thought

Parents / Mom's Advice /

A broad new analysis of Colorado insurance data suggests national estimates may be severely undercounting children born with heart defects, and at least half of them have other genetic disorders and chronic conditions.

The study, published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, offers the ...Read more


6 memoirs about the unconventional faces of motherhood

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Motherhood comes in many forms, some less conventional than others. But thankfully, nowadays, more and more mothers are opening up about their unconventional experiences — because there’s bound to be someone out there who could use the helpful reminder that they’re in the same boat.

This list of memoirs encapsulates the many faces of “...Read more


Study: TikTok’s ‘For You’ suggestions can be dangerous for some women

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Researchers analyzed TikTok’s “For You” suggestions and discovered the page’s algorithm may be contributing to a significant issue for female users. It’s making some women dislike their own bodies.

Australian researchers surveyed 273 women between 18 and 28 years old from July-October 2021 on their use of the social media platform. ...Read more

Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group/TNS

Resentencing effort works with California DAs to reunite incarcerated mothers with their families sooner

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Five years after state law empowered prosecutors to recommend the early release of people who have substantially rehabilitated in prison, an architect of the landmark reform saw something starkly missing: women prisoners were a tiny fraction of those set free.

“We see this across every industry. We’re underrepresented,” said Hillary Blout...Read more


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