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An Update on Trump's Campaign Promises

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

I now officially call to order this month's meeting of the Trump Campaign Action Committee, which, as all of you know, is responsible for updating the public on progress made on the topics that are near and dear to the heart of Donald J. Trump, former and future president.

I see that our meeting today is a little bit less well-attended than ...Read more

When Bad Things Happen to Good Laptops

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

There wasn't a full moon. I didn't walk under a ladder or break a mirror. No black cats crossed my path. Yet it was undeniably one of those days when I felt cursed. It started with the demise of my coffee maker, followed by the nervous breakdown of my washing machine, and an unfriendly letter calling me for jury duty. I blatantly ignored all ...Read more

My Ancient Roman New Year's Resolution

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

There's a quote on my desktop from the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius that I'm making the subject of my New Year's resolution in 2025. It goes like this:

"How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy."

I suppose there are ...Read more

Holiday Gift Shopping? Bah, Humbug

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

The older I get, the less I like Christmas gifts (shopping for them, anyway) and the more I wish I could officially reserve holiday presents solely for children, who are so demonstrative and easy to impress that they make even the most gigantic hassle worthwhile for the looks on their faces when they come downstairs on Christmas morning.

...Read more

We Should Pardon the President for Thinking With His Heart

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

My brother-in-law recently sent a message to our family text chain, the members of whom rest somewhere on the political spectrum from solidly Democratic to more liberal than Mao Zedong.

What do we think of this?

He linked to a story about President Joe Biden pardoning his son, Hunter, who had been convicted on tax evasion and gun ...Read more

Junk the 'Junk Food' Judgment, Please

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

"This is junk food, Mommy."

That's what my 6-year-old told me as he sat down to his pre-swimming lesson snack. I'd given him peanut butter pretzels, fruit snacks and a piece of leftover Halloween candy.

"It's bad for me, and I'll get tired in a half-hour," he went on, starting to cry. "I don't want to get tired in a half-hour."

As I talked ...Read more

A Short List of Things I Never Want to Hear About Again

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

Now that the 2024 presidential election has come to its inevitable if protracted conclusion, can we turn the page? Donald Trump won so we won't have to sit through years of conspiracy theories about how Democrats have been training tiny monkeys to live in the ballot scanners and reject all Trump votes, but there are plenty of other matters I'd...Read more

I'm Settling Down for an Election Day Nap

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

Wake me when the election is over.

Actually, don't only wait until the election is over, wake me up when the campaign-related complaining, conspiracy theories, insults, protests, riots, bad jokes, lawsuits and death threats are over. Just to make sure, wait until after the votes are certified and the inauguration has safely concluded.

I ...Read more

No Such Thing as a Third Rail When It Comes to Trump

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

There's a great gulf of silence in our country, a yawning chasm of "no comment" from Republicans on the shocking, disturbing and bizarre things that former President Donald Trump has said and continues to say.

That lack of criticism -- born from fear of retribution not only from Trump but from his minions in and out of political office -- was...Read more

Americans Are Surrounded by Information. Why Are They Still So Ill-Informed?

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

Despite Americans in 2024 having access to more high-quality, well-sourced information on every topic known to man, somehow, we're seemingly also the most ill-informed people in human history.

I turn for evidence to a statement that a member of Congress was forced to release in response to what he called Hurricane Helene "response myths." The...Read more


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