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Answer Angel: What to do with scarf

Ellen Warren, Tribune News Service on

Published in Fashion Daily News

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: I received a small designer silk scarf as a gift and I am puzzled about what to do with it.

I tried tying it around my neck but that doesn’t seem right. It makes me feel like a cowgirl wannabe. While the pattern and color of the scarf are elegant, it just seems like a weird size for neckwear.

--Nina L.

Dear Nina: You’d be surprised how versatile that scarf is.

First of all, no one will mistake you for a cowgirl with a designer silk scarf tied jauntily around your neck. But if it makes you feel silly, that’s all that matters. Never wear something that makes you feel uncomfortable or truly self-conscious. Fashion is supposed to be fun. On the other hand, there’s nothing wrong with experimenting and, perhaps, surprising yourself.

Back to your question. Try tying the scarf onto the strap/handle of your purse as a decorative touch. Or, if you’re wearing a blazer, tuck it in the breast pocket.

Check out the many YouTube videos on “how to tie a small scarf.” The suggestions there were cute and some of them are pretty easy and creative: using a necklace, a rubber band, a stretchy bracelet and much more.

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: When I buy a new sheet set I’m always so disappointed because sheets fresh out of the packaging always have deep wrinkles and folds. They make new sheets look sloppy and a bed poorly made. I have tried everything to eliminate them, including heavy steam ironing, but it is truly impossible. Any suggestions? It’s difficult to find unwrinkled sheets and ordering on line is a gamble.

--Della F.

Dear Della: New sheets should be washed before use. That’s the bottom line.

I’ve always found that sheets straight out of the amazingly compact packaging are heavily creased. But that shouldn’t bother you because you need to wash them before you put them on the bed. Otherwise, they can be stiff, scratchy and, most important, treated at the manufacturing/packaging point with who-knows-what substances to give them that brand new look.


You’re better off giving them a good wash, then hanging them outdoors to dry or removing them immediately from the dryer.

My friend Elizabeth puts her sheets on the bed when still damp—yanking them out of the dryer after just a few minutes—insisting that is how she gets the smooth look you’re going for without the drudgery of ironing them first.

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: Is there any truth to some cosmetics companies’ (Prime Prometics, for example) claim that their mascara formulas are better for “mature women”? I just celebrated a milestone birthday and am looking for the right product for me.

--Maryann L.

Dear Maryann: Happy birthday! The right mascara product for mature women is the same as for immature women. If it makes your lashes look longer and fuller and stays in place, doesn’t smear or give you raccoon circles under your eyes you’ve got a winner. Don’t buy into the “mature woman” pitch.

As I wrote here recently, my current mascara favorite is Lash Princess, one of the least expensive on the market at around $5 and available at Walmart, Ulta, Amazon, Meijer and more.

Angelic Readers

Many readers were eager to help Judie C. in her quest for lipstick that lasts all day without constant reapplications. Linda H. likes Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick (drugstores,, $13.99). From Nancy G.: “Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick (drugstores,, $6.49) is the best I’ve used. Also, if you apply it, then rub it in with your finger, then reapply, then blot lightly, it lasts much longer.” Joan G. recommends her years-long favorite Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick Wand (drugstores,, $9.99). Jean A. recommends Revlon Colorstay Overtime, (drugstores,, $12.49).

Instead of a new lipstick, Nancy F. says what’s needed is “a lip primer. The primer makes the lipstick stick! There are many brands out there but I have been happy with MAC Prep + Prime (, $19).” From Kelle M.: “Wonderskin Wonderblading Lip Stain Masque (, $22) is a lip-staining mask that is dark when applied but you wipe it off after it dries (usually a minute) and it leaves behind a wonderful color that lasts for hours. It's been a game-changer for me.” Eileen T. says, “ About 25 years ago regular tube lipsticks started to bleed into the lines around my mouth. I switched to Covergirl Outlast All-Day Lip Color with Topcoat and have been using it ever since (,,, drugstores, under $12).” Laura L. likes NYX Shine Loud Magic Maker (drugstores, $11.60).

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