


The God Squad: More thanks for Thanksgiving little things

Rabbi Marc Gellman, Tribune Content Agency on

Thanks dear readers for your suggestions for little things we overlook on Thanksgiving. If this column arrives after Thanksgiving it is no problem. Thanksgiving is more than a holiday. Thanksgiving is a state of the soul. Here is my favorite this year from M…

My husband of 26 years died this August, so I am very thankful for the healthcare and hospice workers that helped him through his last days. Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday, making and serving food was one way he could show love to family and friends. Last Thanksgiving I was holding my fork as we went around the table to share thanks. I suddenly had an overwhelming feeling about that fork. As I turned it around in my hand I said, “Bless all the hands that made this fork and brought it to my table.” Someone else said, “Thanks for the food we are about to eat, and bless all the hands that brought it to this table. My granddaughter said, “Bless this table and all the hands that brought it to us.” That started a chain reaction, for the rest of the day everything we touched we blessed all the hands that brought things to us. We must have blessed millions of hands. That has impacted us with a new sense of gratitude that we feel in our daily lives. -- From M

Now back to some great God winks. One of the uplifting characteristics of many God winks is the way children are particularly open to visitations from our dearly departed. Their God winks are vivid and loving and free of fear. Children have not yet learned how to be cynical in the face of the wonders of the world and God’s surprising gifts.

My Dad passed away 19 years ago. One evening while having dinner with my family at the dining room table my only grandson said out loud, "Who’s that man in the kitchen walking around?" My husband, children and myself said to my grandson, "Where do you see him?" He said, "He’s there in the kitchen.

No one saw anyone there. I asked my grandson what does the man look like? "Grandma, he has a round face with very short hair." My Dad always had a crew cut. We all looked at each other, and I said, "Hello Dad, we know you are here with us. Thank you for visiting us."

Not long after this God wink I had another.

I was driving in my car to the library with my only grandchild . My grandson was in his car seat in the rear of the car looking out the window. We had stopped for a red light. My grandson was 4 years old at the time. He said, "Grandma do you see that mailman across the street? He’s waving to us!" I said, "Where do you see the mailman?" I told my grandson I don’t see him. "Where is he?" He pointed, "Right there, Grandma! He’s waving to us! Don’t you see him?"


My grandson was pointing across the street in front of the Elks Club. I honestly, did not see the mailman, but I know who that mailman was. My Dad was a retired mailman when he passed away. My Dad was also a member of that particular Elks Club. My grandson never met my Dad, but my Dad sure knew him. I’m so glad my grandson saw him. They would have loved each other. -- (From A in Garden City Park, LI, NY)

A: And now a God wink that came with a receipt…

Forty years ago, my husband and I were blessed to be able to purchase my grandmother's house. My grandmother came from a large family and I knew most of her siblings because they all came to visit. Her house seemed to be the gathering place for all of her siblings. They are all gone now, but I imagine they are gathered together in heaven.

One of her brothers owned a shop a few miles from here, and grandma would often go there to help out. The store had their family name and it still exists. One day I drove into my driveway, pulled all the way up to the detached garage that sits behind the house, and parked. When I got out of the car, there was a receipt on the ground. I assumed I had dropped it as I got out of the car, so I picked it up. It was from my great-uncle's store. I just stood there. I checked the date, it was from that week. I guess someone dropped it, and it flew around before landing where I would find it. I just looked up and smiled, I knew grandma was still home. -- (From D)

(Send ALL QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS to The God Squad via email at Rabbi Gellman is the author of several books, including “Religion for Dummies,” co-written with Fr. Tom Hartman. Also, the new God Squad podcast is now available.)

©2024 The God Squad. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.





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