


Is this Bible class legit?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I am attending a Bible class and am learning so much, but the longer I’m in it the more I question whether it is really a Bible class. The leader is teaching not from the Bible but from a Christian book that is on the bestseller list! The author is clearly accepted by his peers – and is often on the same platform as other Christian authors and pastors. The issue we’re studying right now is that the Bible teaches that once we become Christians, we should never experience pain or trouble. I’m pretty sure this is incorrect, right? – A.G.

A: The Bible says that even the best years are filled with pain and trouble (see Psalm 90:10). Here it is with clarity: Life is hard, and our years on Earth are marked by trouble and sorrow. As someone has said, there is no false advertising in the Bible!

Advertisements that promise happiness if we’ll only use their product are deceiving. Products may give us some pleasure and satisfy our momentary wants, but they will not bring peace, joy, and true happiness. A new car is fun to have, but it will eventually get old and have problems. New clothes can make us feel sharp, but they wear out in time.

Do you know anyone who has never had a problem? We live in a world that is broken because of sin, and we share in its brokenness. Why does God allow this? First, it proves that we are who we are – sinners. Second, it should give us greater compassion for others. All around us are people whose lives are filled with trouble and sorrow, and they need your compassion and encouragement. Third, for those who belong to Christ, someday we will know the absence of sorrow and trouble. This makes us yearn for Heaven. Mankind’s words are not the same as the Word of God – the Bible is God’s authoritative truth that can set us free.



(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.





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