


Why can’t people stop "the insanity" and start all over again?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: In spite of the incessant search for world peace, we are watching our country – and the world – "implode" before our eyes. It’s actually embarrassing to watch the governments of the world cry peace when none of them want it at all. Why can’t people just STOP the insanity and start all over again? – S.O.

A: Peacemaking is a noble vocation. But people cannot make peace by their own power just as a mason cannot build a wall without a trowel, or a carpenter build a house without a hammer, or an artist paint a picture without a brush. We must have the proper equipment. To be a peacemaker, we must know the Peace Giver – the God of peace.

To make peace on Earth, we must know the peace of Heaven. We must know Him who “is our peace.” Jesus didn’t leave a material inheritance to His disciples. All He had when He died was a robe, which went to the Roman soldiers; His mother, whom He turned over to John the disciple; His body, which He gave to Joseph of Arimathea; and His Spirit, which returned to His Father. But Jesus willed His followers something more valuable than gold, more enduring than vast landholdings, and more to be desired than palaces of marble – He willed us His peace.

Jesus said, “My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives” (John 14:27, NKJV). Only as we know Him and the peace He imparts can we be peacemakers – and He promised happiness to a maker of peace! The key is commitment to become peacemakers – to be men and women who actively seek to bring the peace of Christ to others and to our world.


The world cannot be reborn until people are born again through the forgiveness of Christ – this brings peace with God.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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