


I go to church but return home lonely and downhearted; Is this all life has to offer?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Discouragement is hounding me. No matter where I turn, dark clouds seem to hang over me, making my pathway dark and dreary. I go to church but return home lonely and downhearted. I feel threatened in my work and it is affecting my health, though I’m still young. Is this all life has to offer? – D.U.

A: The root of discouragement is unbelief. Perhaps we feel we aren’t making enough money (we’re not convinced that God can and will supply all of our needs); we’re frustrated in our job (we’ve refused to believe that we can be content in whatever state we’re in); we’re worried about health problems (is not God the great physician?). Perhaps it is a lack of spending time in God’s Word and in prayer and fellowship with Him!

Discouragement is a large cloud that obscures the warmth and joy of the sun. In the case of spiritual discouragement, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus, is eclipsed in our lives. Discouragement blinds our eyes to the blessings of God and makes us perceive only the unfavorable circumstances. Such thoughts are from the enemy.

There is only one way to dispel discouragement, and it is not in our own strength or ingenuity. The Bible says, “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord” (Psalm 27:14, NKJV).


Discouragement often flees when a person spends quality time in prayer and in the study of God’s Word. It grows our faith and strengthens our resolve. Often when we reach out to others, our circumstances don’t seem as bad. “The Lord … goes before you. He will be with you … do not fear nor be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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