


What does the “goodness of God” mean?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My children were in a school drama – a play about angels who appeared to people in despair – proclaiming the goodness of God. What does the “goodness of God” mean? – G.G.

A: God’s grace – God’s goodness – is quite simply His love, mercy, and forgiveness – the wellspring of salvation to sinners who repent and receive Him. God is faithful to His promises.

A great preacher by the name of César Malan was put out of his church in Switzerland in the early 1800s because of his evangelistic zeal. He traveled to the British Isles and led a number of famous people to God. Once while in England, he met a young woman by the name of Charlotte Elliott. Though gifted and attractive, she was embittered because of ill health. He told her that the greatest news that had ever come into his life was that the blood of Jesus Christ cleansed him from his sin.

Charlotte Elliott said, “I cannot believe in the goodness of God, and I don’t need the blood of Jesus Christ to forgive me for anything!” Malan responded, “I didn’t mean to be offensive; I only meant to tell you that God loves you and that He has forgiven you at a great cost.” That night Charlotte Elliott could not sleep because of the words the preacher had spoken to her. She finally went to her knees and asked Christ into her heart. Years later, she wrote these words:

Just as I am, without one plea,


But that Thy blood was shed for me.

The power to proclaim the greatest news in Heaven or on Earth was not given to the angels. It was given to redeemed people. Every Christian should be a witness to the goodness of God. “The Lord is good! Blessed is the [one] who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:8, ESV).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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