


Is there something more we can expect after we die?

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Is there something more we can expect after we die? -- L.E.

A: The singer Madonna once asked a series of questions when being interviewed about her thoughts on war, senseless killings and famine. She asked five questions: "Where is it all going? Why am I here? What do I believe in? What's the whole of life? Is there life beyond this world that we live in?"

Several years ago the cover of "Time" had a haunting black-and-white photograph of a desperate and nearly lifeless-looking woman. She had three children clinging to her, and the headline read, "How to End Poverty." Millions die each year because they are too poor to live. It is sad but true. We live on a ravaged planet, affected by sin in every part: the earth, the sky, the sea, the animals and especially the human family.

This wasn't God's plan. We were created in His image. We were meant to live as He made us to live, but man's disobedience brought about sin. This is the worst kind of poverty that plagues the human race, the poverty of the soul, where our longings are never satisfied, where our desires are never filled, where our hopes are unrealized and fears grow.


Give your life to Christ and receive the richness of His grace.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)




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