


Alberto today, Beryl tomorrow. Will the next big storm have your name?

Patrick J. McDonnell, Los Angeles Times on

Published in Lifestyles

Meteorologists dubbed it "Alberto," the first named storm of the 2024 Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico hurricane season.

Alberto made landfall as a tropical storm Thursday near the Mexican port of Tampico, causing floods and at least four deaths.

Why was it called "Alberto"?

That happened to be first on an alphabetical list of names for prospective 2024 storms compiled by an international committee of the United Nations' World Meteorological Organization. Name-givers adhere to a policy of diversity of gender and language — while seeking easy-to-pronounce monikers to identify storms. Alberto was first this year; in 2025, Andrea is atop the list.

Following Alberto, the next in line for 2024 are:








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