Life Advice



Ask Amy: Married couples share wedding mishaps

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Readers: With wedding season upon us, I’m re-running a favorite column from 2021 devoted to wedding mishaps — all sent in by readers.

Perhaps reading about some of the things that can go wrong at a wedding will inspire people to avoid these pitfalls.

And if these incidents can’t be avoided, marrying couples can try to embrace them and laugh about it all later.

So take your seat at the “singles” table — and enjoy!

Dear Amy: My brother got married at our house in front of a bay window with a magnificent view of the Concord River.

Halfway through the ceremony, his stoner friend from high school arrived in a canoe, stumbled ashore, and wobbled his way up the yard in full view of the guests. Hilarious backdrop!


– I Was Sober

Dear Amy: My long-ago boyfriend invited me as his “plus one.”

Once we got there it was obvious that he was invited solo, as there was no table card for me.

My father once said, “There’s always someone at a wedding who shouldn’t be there.” In that instance it was me!


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