Health Advice



Is 'just as good,' good enough? Not for physical activity

By Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. on

"Your guess is as good as mine." (Probably both wrong.) "This is as good as it gets." (You want a lot better.) Doesn't look smart to settle for just "as good as" in many situations, and we suggest that's especially true with exercise.

A new study in Circulation says that being a weekend warrior and getting 150 minutes of exercise on Saturday and Sunday is just as good for you as spreading your workouts throughout the week. Although the weekend warriors always had a slightly higher risk of everything from obesity to diabetes and heart disease, the researchers didn't think it was significant. And they thought the benefits of 150 minutes a week were enough no matter how you got them in.

Well, we suggest that "as good as" might not be good enough. We hope you'll opt for more -- almost daily -- physical activity. A recent massive 30-year study, also published in Circulation, reveals that "any combination of medium to high levels" of vigorous (75 to 300 minutes per week) and moderate physical activity (150 to 600 minutes per week) "can provide nearly the maximum mortality reduction" of 35% to 42%.

So, find the time daily, in the morning, during lunch break, after work, for a brisk 30-minute walk or bike ride. And get in your longer, stronger weekend workouts, too. To help you recover and strengthen, check out "Your Step-by-Step Guide on How to Recover After a Workout" at


Dr. Mike Roizen is the founder of, and Dr. Mehmet Oz is global advisor to, the world's leading online health store. Roizen and Oz are chief wellness officer emeritus at Cleveland Clinic and professor emeritus at Columbia University, respectively. Together they have written 11 New York Times bestsellers (four No. 1's).

(c)2024 Michael Roizen, M.D.

Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

(c) 2024 Michael Roizen, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.



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