


Woman uses chopsticks to eat one grain of rice at a time


Published in Weird News

(UPI) A woman from Bangladesh used chopsticks to lift one grain of rice at a time and managed to eat a record-breaking 37 pieces in one minute.

Sumaiya Khan, 24, told Guinness World Records she has been using chopsticks to eat all of her meals for a few years.

"I had a thing for ramen back in the day, I was obsessed with ramen and loved Korean culture so that's when I got my own personal chopsticks and since then I've eaten almost all of my food using them, and especially since I'm Bangladeshi I eat rice almost every single day," Khan said.

A coworker took note of Khan's rice-eating skills and suggested she might be able to break the record for the most rice grains eaten in one minute using chopsticks, which previously stood at 27.


Khan easily defeated the record by eating 37 grains of rice, one at a time.

"It feels surreal, it feels amazing and everyone around me is proud of me for actually attempting it," she said. I feel proud of myself for doing it too because it's such a great thing to actually achieve, having your name out there in the world and being part of something so big, it's actually amazing and I'm honored and blessed and proud and every other good thing that I can say about it.

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