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Judge declares mistrial after jurors in Karen Read case could not reach a verdict

Flint McColgan and Lance Reynolds, Boston Herald on

Published in News & Features

He said as the days went by without a verdict, he thought it would end this way, but that “for the life of me, I can’t understand what went on in that jury.”

A woman named Diane from West Roxbury, who declined to give her last name, shared similar views but said the trial still offered a lesson.

“People from all over the world are realizing the corruption that is in our police department and our elected officials,” she said. “If it can happen to Karen then it can happen to anyone, and it does happen.”

Prominent supporter Rita Lombardi said “Guilty was never an option. We were never going to get 12 people who said she was guilty. Why? Because it’s a sham.”

The notes

The jury’s third and final impasse note came after Cannone issued them one last spur to action, a legal direction known as the “Tuey-Rodriguez” warning.

“I think this has been an extraordinary jury. I’ve never seen a note like this reporting to be at an impasse,” Cannone said before reading the second note at around 10:50 a.m. and issuing the warning.


She followed a model script that emphasized that “absolute certainty cannot be attained or expected” in cases and that a verdict must be delivered on the basis of each juror’s “own convictions.”

It also notes that any future jury would be composed of individuals much the same as the current one and that the burden of proof rests solely on the prosecution.

Jurors issued a first note indicating deadlock on Friday, after which Cannone directed them to do their best and continue deliberations.

Retired Massachusetts Superior Court Judge Jack Lu told the Herald that there’s a lot of weight on court staff, too.

“I hope the public understands how the employees of the Massachusetts Trial Court work their hearts out trying to achieve justice in emotional and divisive cases like this,” he said.


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