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Judge declares mistrial after jurors in Karen Read case could not reach a verdict

Flint McColgan and Lance Reynolds, Boston Herald on

Published in News & Features

“Guess what? They failed. They failed miserably, and they will continue to fail. No matter how long it takes, no matter how long they keep trying, we will not stop fighting. We have no quit.”

In a statement, the Norfolk DA’s office said it intends to re-try Read.

“First, we thank the O’Keefe family for their commitment and dedication to this long process. They maintained sight of the true core of this case — to find justice for John O’Keefe,” The DA’s office said in a statement. “The Commonwealth intends to re-try the case.”

Another of Read’s attorneys, David Yannetti, thanked supporters and said they will continue to fight the case.

“I just have two things to say, folks. Number one: I’m in awe and strength and courage of this remarkable client that I have the privilege of representing since day one. Number two: I want to send a message to all of her supporters here. Your support was invaluable. We are touched, and we ask for your continued support,” he said. “I am not from Texas like my colleague here, I’m a Boston kid, but I will repeat what he said which was we ain’t got no quit.”

As Yannetti spoke, he placed his arm around Read’s shoulders and pulled her close. When he referenced Read’s supporters, Read herself shook her head in agreement and her father, William Read, gave a thumbs up.


The remarks outside the court came as the sky opened up and drenched the area with a brief summer downpour. One of Read’s supporters held an umbrella above the group as they spoke.


The cheers of Read’s small army of supporters outside clashed with the sounds of thunder from the storm. But their overall feelings were mixed.

“It’s a relief. It’s not a guilty verdict, it’s a mistrial. I can’t even begin to think the Commonwealth, in my mind, would try it again,” Read supporter Kevin Colby said.


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