


Looking for Motivation at Work? Join the Crowd.

Bob Goldman on

2024 is only one month old and already the reality of your job situation has set in.

It isn't pretty.

You could quit, of course, but since you've developed the habit of eating regularly, the only alternative is to make some changes.

The day to start is today. Wait longer and the smidgeon of motivation you're feeling now is sure to dissolve. Just like it did last year, and year before that and -- well, no one said third grade was going to be easy.

If you are struggling, you are not alone. A recent report from VoiceNation "revealed that 37% of U.S. workers struggle with the tasks expected of them in their job roles." That's a big number, but it's nothing compared to the Deloitte Well-Being at Work Survey that reported "84% of respondents say improving their well-being is a top priority" with 80% admitting they "face significant hurdles," including "long work hours, a stressful job and a heavy workload."

Sound familiar?


You need Caroline Castrillon, the author of a recent Forbes article, "10 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You're Struggling at Work."

Is 2024 the year you finally take a chance and make the effort required to emerge gloriously from your career cocoon, successful and struggle-free? Or will you do what always works -- just give up? Let's find out together.

No. 1: Break down big tasks.

By breaking large projects into more manageable bites, "You can celebrate milestones along the way," Caroline Castrillon writes, "which will help you stay motivated."


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