From the Right





Trump is An Awful Man Who Only Cares About Himself!

From the Right / John Stossel /

I write this on Election Day. People are freaking out. "A Second Trump Administration Would Be a Carnival of Corruption and Greed," is a New York Times headline. "President Kamala Would Be a Disaster for the World," says The Telegraph. Wait. Take a breath. Yes, Donald Trump is an awful man who only cares about himself. He's scary reckless. But ...Read more

One Big Thing Biden Will Leave Behind

The 1972 presidential election -- which pitted incumbent President Richard Nixon against Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota -- was an absolute wipeout.

Nixon won 49 of the 50 states, losing only Massachusetts.

In Delaware that year, Nixon took 59.6% of the popular vote and McGovern took only 39.2%. But the incumbent Republican senator ...Read more

The Media Are Egotistical Exaggerators and Liars!

From the Right / Tim Graham /

The 2024 presidential campaign is ending pretty much where it began: loathing the never-ending presence of Donald Trump. On the day before the election, The New York Times front page displayed a gaudy editorial (badly disguised as "News Analysis") under the title "Torrent of Lies Redefines Political Norms."

Doesn't that sound like a hard-...Read more

Kent Nishimura/Getty Images North America/Getty Images

Kamala Harris’ calls for ‘unity’ probably aren’t what you think

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — What could be nicer music to the ears of a deeply divided American electorate than U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’ calls for “unity” as her final campaign message? Well, put it this way: You know when you went to the amusement park and were lured by the gentle-looking kiddie ride, only to have it spin you...Read more

Harris Is Wearing 'The Emperor's New Clothes'

From the Right / Victor Joecks /

Vice President Kamala Harris is finishing up a fairy-tale campaign. Unfortunately for her, the story is "The Emperor's New Clothes."

You're likely familiar with Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale. A king is obsessed with his clothes. Two con men convince him that they can weave an outfit with a special property: The garments are invisible...Read more

Trump Has Reason in Pennsylvania to Feel Better Than Harris

From the Right / Salena Zito /

LATROBE, Pennsylvania -- "If we win Pennsylvania, we win the whole damn thing."

Two weeks ago, former President Donald Trump announced these words to rallygoers in this Westmoreland County town at a packed event, which included several former Pittsburgh Steelers and steelworkers taking the stage to endorse him; the steelworkers even got the ...Read more

Calling Trump 'Hitler' Has Done Permanent Damage to the Moral Realm!

From the Right / Dennis Prager /

It may be impossible to overstate the damage done to morality by the Democrats and other leftists calling Donald Trump a fascist and a Nazi and declaring him "Hitler."

Asked by Anderson Cooper on CNN if she believes Trump is a "fascist," Kamala Harris said, "Yes, I do."

With regard to calling Trump "Hitler," Newsweek's fact-checker concluded: ...Read more

Is It Too Early to talk 2028?

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

What can a columnist do when his deadline is Election Day and he doesn’t know who has won the presidency and other offices (and we likely might not know for days, or more, if the polls are right about a virtual tie)?

Answer: He speculates about 2028.

Whether Donald Trump wins or loses, and if he does lose whether he concedes, or not, 2028 ...Read more

Thank God for the Electoral College!

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

It seems that as more and more time goes by, my appreciation for the ingeniousness of our Founding Fathers elevates.

I write this before knowing the outcome of the election. I sit behind a "veil of ignorance," with no advance knowledge of who will win the popular vote and who will win in the Electoral College.

We have a growing movement to ...Read more

Newspapers aren’t giving liberals the validation they need

Opinions are like an appendix: everyone has one, it serves no particular purpose, most of the time it’s completely ignored and you only notice it when it’s removed.

This is exactly what occurred to me when I observed the manufactured controversy involving Jeff Bezos and The Washington Post editorial board. The Amazon wunderkind’s ...Read more

Kamala Harris, You're Not in California Anymore

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- Over the many years when I wrote a column for the San Francisco Chronicle, political insiders had their eye on one local official who, they figured, could be president someday. That person was Gavin Newsom.

It was not Kamala Harris.

Because Newsom, San Francisco's former mayor, had his eye on the governor's mansion, Harris ...Read more

There Has Never Been a Man Like Trump in World History! There's Never Been a Moment Like This in History! Just Think of What We Have All Witnessed in the Past Year!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

We've all been blessed to be born in the greatest country in the history of civilization. God bless America.

The saying goes, "May you be blessed to live in interesting times."

We are all blessed to be living through the most interesting times in world history. And we have a rare chance to change our future and make America great again.

Now ...Read more

The Final Choice: Civilizational Arson Versus Civilizational Sanity

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

Every four years, we hear a refrain that the presidential election before us is the "most important election of our lifetimes." This line is reflexively repeated by pundits, talkers and thinkers on both sides of the American political divide, and that repetition always engenders a great deal of backlash. We are reliably informed that our ...Read more

RFK Is a Dangerous Quack

From the Right / David Harsanyi /

If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had been born with a different name, he'd probably be peddling miracle mushroom cancer cures on YouTube right now.

Instead, our french fry-slinging presidential hopeful Donald Trump has, according to RFK, "promised" to give him "control" of all Washington public health agencies, "which is, you know, key to making ...Read more

Garbage In/Garbage Out

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

On Sunday, a comedian opening the Trump rally at Madison Square Garden made a joke about Puerto Rico being a garbage island. On Monday, that was all the American press corps could talk about. On Tuesday, President Joe Biden declared former President Donald Trump's supporters were garbage, and all the media could talk about on Wednesday was ...Read more

Crazy Talk About the Media Favoring Trump Over Harris

From the Right / Tim Graham /

The Left has a tendency to grade the media's performance based on results. It doesn't matter if you favor the Democrats aggressively if they don't win -- or if the polls seem tied.

Recently, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson was celebrated on "Morning Joe" for writing a column that complained the media was rougher on Vice President ...Read more

Who Will Make the Last Mistake in This Flawed Campaign?

From the Right / Michael Barone /

"The only garbage I see out there is his supporters," said President Joe Biden on Tuesday evening, referencing a comedian's comment at former President Donald Trump's Madison Square Garden rally, as Vice President Kamala Harris delivered on the Ellipse, visible from the White House windows, what her campaign has described as her "closing ...Read more

Donald Trump's American Oligarchy

From the Right / Mona Charen /

When he bounded onstage at the Trump vulgarfest in Madison Square Garden on Sunday night, Elon Musk declared himself to be not just MAGA, but "dark, gothic MAGA."

Believe him.

The sorry spectacle of leading industrialists, newspaper owners, tech executives, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and others seeking to ensure their good standing with ...Read more

At Newspapers, Non-Endorsements Should Be a Non-Issue

SAN DIEGO -- You know how they say that teachers make the worst students?

A similar contradiction is at work with newspaper editorial boards.

I'm quite familiar with the species. Over the course of a decade, I worked as an editorial writer and columnist for newspapers in two states -- one blue, one red. In all, I wrote more than 1500 ...Read more

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

My family and friends are angry with me because I won't tell them for whom I plan to vote for president.

I have not voted for the Republican or Democrat for president since 1984, when I happily voted for Ronald Reagan. Since those days, the Democrats have gravitated to principles of big government that would make FDR blush, and the Republicans ...Read more


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