


Falling Apart


Published in Jokes

There's quite an art to falling apart ....
as these years go by.
And life Doesn't begin at 40 ....
That's a Big Fat Lie!

My hair's gettin' thinner ....
my Body is Not.
The few Teeth I have ....
are beginning to Rot!

I smell of Vick's-Vapo-Rub ....
Not Chanel #5.
My new Pacemaker's all ....
that keepin' me alive!

When asked of my past ....
Every Detail I'll know.
But what was I doin' ....
just 10 minutes ago?


Well, you get the Idea ....
what More can I say?
I'm off to read the Obits ....
like I do every Day.

If my name is not there ....
I'll once again Start -
Perfecting the Art ....
Of Falling Apart!

But til' That Last Curtain ....
Decides to Fall,
I'm gonna' have ....
Myself a Ball!


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