


Kitten Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Through the ever-changing landscape of social media, one thing that remains unchanged is the enduring popularity of cat videos. And since watching cute animals do unpredictable things brings joy, amusement and stress relief, cats are always trending. The moon in Leo is the mood booster that has us feeling like playful kittens today.

ARIES (...Read more

Home Sweet Home

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Yesterday the moon was new in her favorite place of all. Today, she moves through home like a housekeeper on a mission to organize it all. If it doesn't have a place, it will get one or find a new one in the giveaway or the garbage pile. Everything will get a sweep of the dust rag or broom. Even relationships will get a polish and shine.

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Moonchild Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The new moon in the sign of nurturing, tenderness, soulfulness and loyalty is a call to all that is sacred in the bonds of love. To lend your protection to another and honor that promise calls up a developed sense of human evolution -- a sense of what's right. Humans may not be the only ones with this sense, but they are the ones who use it to...Read more

American Solar Return

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The United States of America celebrates the 248th return of the sun to the place it was when the Second Continental Congress declared independence from Great Britain. This year's celebration occurs between a significant retrograde and a new moon, reflecting a sense of being in the thick of things, sorting through the complexities of democracy....Read more

Retrograde Workarounds

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It is completely normal to kick a bad habit once and find it crop back up in a different part of life. If this is what's happening, don't judge yourself. In these retrograde times, things repeat, requiring different solutions and other kinds of attention. It's a good time to ponder multiple fixes for any problem. And don't forget the one where...Read more

Neptune Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When Neptune reverses, life is like a jigsaw puzzle without a picture on the box. This is not one of those repetitive images that is purposely difficult to put together because every piece is so similar. No, there's a more satisfying and beautiful subject coming together. You just have to get a good amount of the puzzle assembled before you ...Read more

Before the Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Money is one of the easiest things to quantify, and yet the numbers cannot measure the many nuanced aspects of its trading. And if we think money is tricky, what hope is there for the accounting of commodities like attention and love? How we'll try, though, as rectifying the expenditures against assets is the business of this Taurus moon.

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Fractals of a Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Just when we think we know the ins and outs of a situation, we discover new doors and hatches. And if we think we know how a person will behave, they will invariably bring the surprise that makes us wonder if we ever really knew them at all. This is the lens of a Saturn retrograde. It's safe to assume that it's not safe to assume.

ARIES (...Read more

And Saturn Goes Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's taking a class from the mean teacher who is somehow also your favorite. It's holding the attention of those with a notorious deficit of it. It's agreeing to terrible things for reasons buried so deep in you that you can't possibly understand what they are, even as the words "yes" escape your lips. It's the quick learning that happens ...Read more

The Value of a Kiss

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

At the garage sale, rare books can be nabbed for a buck. A Picasso vase goes for a fiver. The setting that a sale occurs in may obscure the value of what's being sold there. Note that this can also happen in reverse, as it is likely to do under today's precariously aspected Venus to Mars. A valueless kiss could be valued at approximately ...Read more

A Moon of You-Ness

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Unconditional love is an appreciation of personhood "as is." The lunar trine to Mercury urges us to turn this ethic toward ourselves. Even as we work to develop ourselves in this way or that, acknowledge the one directing this work and the one doing it. Both parts of you are working together for the ultimate good of the entire being.

ARIES (...Read more

Third Time's the Charm

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The legendary song suggests Bon Jovi has been "shot through the heart, and you're to blame/Darling, you give love a bad name." In all fairness, love's blame can be difficult to lay, as it's seldom an archery situation and more often a "wrong place, wrong time" scenario. Case in point, today's triple-trine situation with two lunar arrows and a ...Read more

Cosmic Cow Tipping

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The lunar square to Taurus in Uranus suggests that just when you think you've paid enough, you'll be asked to give a tad extra. It recalls practices such as coercive tipping in which you're asked to tip based on a word -- "Was the service fine, good, great?" -- rather than a fair amount. Money exists in a social frame. Consider who is ...Read more

Lunar Alliance With Pluto

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Consider the oddball in your life. You probably have more than one. And if the oddball is you, consider adding a few more to the pack, as these disrupters of the status quo are good in groups right now. There's a lunar alliance with Pluto, and the Aquarian vibes are flowing free-spirited like they do.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). If you're not ...Read more

Mercury and Mary Poppins

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Human development typically includes a stage in which leadership becomes internalized. Often the tone of this inner guidance is a resonance of the parenting a person has received from actual parents or caretakers. Whatever kind that was, the sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer are like a call to Mary Poppins, bringing in that spoonful of sugar.

...Read more

Reporting from the Cosmic Ballroom

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Venus and Mercury have hung close this week like best friends at the ball. They both dance with the princely Capricorn moon in oppositions that highlight qualities like noble manners, social grace, proper signals of respect and nods to the traditions that keep power structures intact. Whether or not they should be is a topic for another day.

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Strawberry Moon Sweetness

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A feeling of success is much more important than any tangible evidence of it. Perhaps this is because there's nothing in the material world that can really be owned, only used for a time. Maybe a feeling can't be owned either, but there's a sense of being touched on every surface of our core being as they wash over and through us this ...Read more

Strawberry Solstice

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

From the bonfires of the Celtic festival of Litha, to the vibrant midsummer holidays of Scandinavian countries, the longest day of the year has been celebrated by ancient and modern societies alike. Cancer season's sweetness needs no ripening this year. The party will start early and rage on past tomorrow's strawberry moon.

ARIES (March 21-...Read more

Juneteenth on Solstice Eve

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

This Juneteenth falls on the eve of the season's change and the sun's passage into the sign of patriotism and home. "Juneteenth has never been a celebration of victory, or an acceptance of the way things are. It's a celebration of progress. It's an affirmation that despite the most painful parts of our history, change is possible -- and there ...Read more

A Balm for the Tenderhearted

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

They say love is a many splendored thing, and they also say love hurts. Both statements are true, but perhaps because of the negativity bias that comes with being human, it is easier to come up with evidence for the latter statement. These early stages of Venus and Mercury in Cancer promise to be a tender balm for love's ache, which is always,...Read more



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