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The Kitchn: This is the only way I’ll ever cook an omelet

Ivy Manning, on

2. Heat a 6- to-8-inch nonstick pan over medium heat until hot, about 2 minutes. Add 2 teaspoons butter and swirl to coat the bottom and sides of the pan.

3. Add the eggs and cook, gently moving the egg around constantly with a flexible, heat-resistant rubber spatula, until curds just begin to form, at least 5 seconds.

4. While stirring, swirl the pan slightly to encourage the uncooked egg to settle evenly on the bottom of the hot pan, patting down any large clumps with the spatula. Gently push down any bits of cooked egg that are stuck to the sides of the pan. Cook without stirring until the bottom is starting to set but the top is still runny, 1 to 2 minutes.

5. Reduce the heat to low. Top one side of the omelet with desired fillings (about 1/2 cup total). Cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid (ideally a domed glass lid so that you can monitor the cooking without lifting the lid), and cook until the top is just set but still a bit creamy, at least 1 to 2 minutes more.

6. Uncover the pan and use the rubber spatula to loosen the edges and bottom from the pan. Slide the spatula underneath the side of the omelet without the filling and carefully fold it over the filling. You may need to gently press the top of the folded omelet for a few seconds to secure it.


7. Carefully slide the omelet out of the pan and onto a plate. Sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs, such as chives or basil.

(Ivy Manning is a contributor to, a nationally known blog for people who love food and home cooking. Submit any comments or questions to

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