

Home & Leisure

One for the Table: Make the most of remaining summer fruit

By Jessica Harper on

As the days of summer dwindle, so does my supply of summer fruit. The bowl that I filled on Thursday with the bounty from the farmers' market was down to a few lonely items by Sunday.

I was going to make a cake or a tart or a cobbler or a pie but everybody's so annoyingly calorie-phobic and I'm too lazy. So I embraced my inner sloth and just threw together something so simple you barely have to be conscious to make it.

The hardest part was locating my cherry pitter, which I'd received as a hostess gift sometime in the '90s from someone who didn't know me well enough to know how seldom that tool would see the light of day.

I only had a few cherries, so the task of pitting them was over before it could become annoying. I threw them into a saucepan, added my two remaining nectarines and what was left of my berry stash and cooked them up with a little sugar, lemon and orange zest. Now I've got this lovely, almost labor-free compote and only one task remains. Hint: it involves an ice cream scoop.

Labor Day Fruit Compote


Serves 4 to 6

2 cups blueberries

2 nectarines, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch chunks

1/2 cup cherries, pitted and halved


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