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Environmental Nutrition: Waste not

By Matthew Kadey, M.S., R.D. on

Chill factor. To extend the life of perishable produce, be sure to keep your fridge set between 35 and 37 F, and properly store fragile items like herbs, berries and greens.

Frozen assets. "More people should use their freezer as a means of avoiding food waste," advises Bloom. Freeze items like milk, bread, vegetables, and prepared dishes if you're not likely to use them before they go bad.

Cook like a chef. Most chefs are masters at using all parts of food. Try recipes that use the whole food, from stem to flower, such as our Sweet and Sour Whole Broccoli Stir Fry.

Label lingo. Food gets tossed just because consumers are confused about expiration dates. "Sell by" and "best by" dates indicate when peak-quality starts declining, although the food is still fine to eat. "Use by" dates indicate when you should consume the food to avoid food safety concerns.

Scale down. Ballooning portions not only expand America's collective girths, but also the size of landfills. "Serve yourself more reasonable portions of food," says Bloom.

Break it down. If your city has a composting program, take advantage of it. Or use a compost bin to produce fertilizer for your garden.


Sweet and Sour Whole Broccoli Stir Fry

Serves 4

Recipe by Matthew Kadey

1D3 cup low-sodium vegetable broth


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