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My Pet World: Are citronella collars safe and effective to prevent dogs from barking?

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Cathy, Are citronella dog collars safe for dogs to prevent barking? Though we understand he is doing his job, our dog's barking with delivery drivers, letter carriers, and even someone walking near our home has become excessive.

— Grace, North Massapequa, New York

Dear Grace,

Citronella collars deter dogs from barking by emitting a citronella scent that activates when the dog barks. It doesn't hurt them, but it does startle them when it first activates, and they definitely don't like the smell, which are two ways the collar discourages dogs from barking.

While your dog may bark less with the collar, if you are not addressing the triggers that lead to the barking, most dogs will resume barking when the collar is removed, or it runs out of citronella. Dogs may also become accustomed to the scent and activation, and bark despite the collar.

If excessive barking is a concern, I understand why you want to try it. It may offer you and your neighbors some relief. But it also helps to address the triggers that lead to barking because that approach can be much more effective in creating a long-term solution to the problem.


Here are some suggestions:

First, determine the root cause of your dog's barking: boredom, fear, territorial behavior, or separation anxiety. Addressing the underlying issue can help reduce excessive barking.

Second, ensure your dog receives enough mental and physical exercise to prevent boredom and pent-up energy, which can lead to excessive barking. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular walks or play sessions can help keep your dog stimulated and engaged.

Third, use positive reinforcement training techniques to teach your dog alternative behaviors and commands, such as "quiet" or "go to your bed" to redirect his focus and discourage barking.


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