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My Pet World: Helping an overweight cat when there are multiple cats in the house

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Cathy,

We have six cats and two dogs. My dilemma is one of our cats is severely overweight. Their feeding is free-range, which works for five of the cats. Cat number six, Tiny, though, is over 18 pounds. He waddles and is so large. The weight affects his breathing, and when he uses the bathroom, he soils himself. He cannot clean his back end at all.

We have tried to pick up food bowls when the other five are not asking for food, so that Tiny doesn't help himself to their food. Tiny has his own feeding station with measured food for the day. When we were picking up food during the day, though, the other five cats lost weight they could not afford to lose, but Tiny never seemed to lose any.

We love Tiny very much and would hate to lose him due to his unhealthy weight. Please help. We’re willing to do almost anything to help Tiny be healthier.

— Rathje, Fredericksburg, Virginia

Dear Rathje,


There are many reasons for cat obesity, including low-quality diets, lack of exercise, illnesses like hypothyroidism, and medications. Be sure to have Tiny checked by a vet for medical causes, since treatment could help stabilize his weight.

The next step is to address Tiny’s diet. There are over-the-counter and prescription weight management cat foods that have fewer calories per volume, which will keep him satiated too. Wet food also has fewer calories per volume than dry food, so a simple switch like that may help. A veterinarian should oversee any food changes or restrictions to ensure Tiny continues to receive proper nutrition.

Another suggestion is to purchase automatic feeders for every cat. I know that can be costly for six cats, but they do help when trying to manage an individual cat’s food consumption in a home with multiple cats. These automatic feeders connect to each cat's microchip and will only open if the cat with the matching microchip stands in front of the bowl. Cats learn quickly which feeder belongs to them and where they need to stand to get the feeder to open. This is often the best option to control consumption for one cat while at the same time ensuring all the cats continue to get proper nutrition.

Finally, make sure Tiny is getting enough exercise. Play with Tiny three times a day for 10 minutes each time. Use toys that encourage Tiny to wiggle and pounce. If Tiny is open to walking on a harness, you can take him for walks in the backyard too.


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