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Playing Is Always Unsafe

Lenore Skenazy on

The following note was passed along to us by a dad whose kids attend a public school in Texas. It says (emphasis mine):

Parents we need your help in keeping our children (SET BOLD) safe (END BOLD) at the playground after hours and on the weekends.

It is important that children are (SET BOLD) supervised at all times. (END BOLD)

We have had reports of children climbing on the outside of the play equipment which is (SET BOLD) really unsafe. (END BOLD) Some children are trying to sit on top of the big slide. This is completely unacceptable behavior.

We are reminding our children again today the same playground expectations apply in the afternoon, evening, and on weekends. They need to (SET BOLD) play safely (END BOLD) and follow the expectations so they (SET BOLD) do not get hurt. (END BOLD) If you are at the playground and notice (SET BOLD) unsafe behavior (END BOLD) please remind them to (SET BOLD) play safely. (END BOLD) Thank you for your help.

Signed, the Overlords of Overprotection -- Well, not really. I suppose it was signed by the principal or superintendent. But as our secret source asks:


Did these people not climb trees as kids? I grew up in the '80s and '90s and loved climbing trees. Kids want to climb on stuff. We are primates!

Ah, but now we are primates with law degrees and an overactive sense of doom.

"Do not get hurt." "Play safely." "Keep our children safe." "Unsafe behavior." "Really unsafe." In just 119 words, the school manages to use the word "safe" five times, suggesting the playground is a hellscape of danger. As hellscapes require an ever-present boo-boo squad, that's what parents are requested to become.

So -- two thoughts.


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