


White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A miniature mate in two.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A very fine and well-crafted composition that has practical value.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is an old favorite of mine for showing students. It’s actually very logical.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is a wild and wooly game from 1896 between Reinisch and Traxler. It started out 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 Bc5 5.Nxf7 Bxf2+ 6.Ke2 Nd4+ 7.Kd3 b5 8.Bb3 Nxe4 9.Nxd8. Black has just sacrificed his queen for a mating attack and does, indeed mate on move 17. See if you can figure out how he did it. Give it a try!

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This is known as a “grotesque” problem. A massive disparity in forces can’t prevent the little guy from mating. It’s a very narrow mating path, and it’s good brain practice.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

There is more than one way to mate in three in this position. Find one!

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This was played in a blitz game last night. It’s a mating attack. Find all the moves!

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

For those of you familiar with the Anastasia mating pattern, this will be easy. For those of you who are not familiar, it’s worth knowing.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Black has several pieces hanging, so there’s a need to get busy.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A little warm-up for Monday. A mate in three.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A great weekend puzzle here. Black is going to queen a pawn, so what can White do here? I mined this gem of a composition from Paul Motwani’s S*T*A*R* CHESS book. He intersperses the games he goes over with wonderful problems. His whole series is spectacular.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Bronstein beat Korchnoi in this finish in 1962. Major pieces roaming the board are always dangerous.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

In a seemingly secure position, Black will be convinced to resign in two moves.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Won by Geller in 1962.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Mating Attack.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

The legendary David Bronstein always came up with wild moves when needed.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A great Memorial Day weekend puzzle. You have a chance to outthink a genius! At Moscow in 1957, arguably the most dangerous attacking player in chess history, Mikhail Tal, missed a win in this position against Antoshin and only drew the game.

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Black to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This one’s a dandy. Fun king hunt.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

White found a unique way to use the threat of a back rank mate in this game which was played in the USSR in 1946. I’ll bet they were happy just to be playing chess after years of war.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Today is do better than Boris day. In this position at Baku in 1961, he did find a winning continuation, but he overlooked a mating attack. Can you do better?

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Dave Whamond Pardon My Planet Reply All Poorly Drawn Lines Monte Wolverton Steve Benson