


Lost and Found on

Published in Brain Teasers

Doria, Libby, Robb, TJ, and Vinny searched the lost and found table. By the time they finished, two gloves (one red, one blue), a blue hat, a striped sweater, and one pair of black sneakers had all made it back to their original owners. Each of the students found one of these missing items.

1. Libby and TJ both found something with red in it.
2. TJ and Doria each found a glove.
3. Vinny was the only one to walk off with something in each hand.

What items did each person find at the lost and found table?


Doria found her blue glove.
Libby found her striped sweater.
Robb found his blue hat.
TJ found his red glove.
Vinny found his black sneakers.

Today's brain teaser courtesy of





Scott Stantis Fort Knox Crankshaft Jeff Danziger David Horsey Dennis the Menace