


What movie was Johnny Depp's first movie credit?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Edward Scissorhands
Nightmare On Elm Street
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

What did the remaining Bee Gees do in 2003 to honor their brother Maurice who died?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Gave Out T-Shirts With His Picture
Put Up A Huge Monument On His Grave
Retired The Name Bee Gees
Planted 500 Trees

What is actor Nicolas Cage's real name?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Biago Anthony Gazzara
Carlos Irwin Estevez
Samuel Joel Mostel
Nicolas Kim Coppola

What year was Tom Cruise born?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /


Who got her start on the ABC soap opera "All My Children"?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Natalie Portman
Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Sarah Michelle Gellar

What martial art did Bruce Lee create?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Do Jo Lee
Jeet Kune Do

Which animated film featured the voice of David Schwimmer?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Under The Hedge
Shrek 2
Finding Nemo

How tall is Lisa Kudrow?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

5 Feet 9 Inches
5 Feet 11 Inches
6 Feet
5 Feet 2 Inches

Which of the following actors was not in "Anaconda"?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Owen Wilson
Ice Cube
Luke Wilson
Jon Voight

What nationalities make up Kelly Ripa's background?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

French And English
Italian And German
Italian And Irish
French And Spanish

Which former Olympic athlete became Kim Kardashian's stepfather in 1991?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Jesse Owens
Apolo Anton Ohno
Mark Spitz
Bruce Jenner

Sean Connery is a major contributor to which political party?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Socialist Party
Democratic Party
Scottish Nationalist Party
Green Party

Who turned 50 years old in 2005?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Michael Jackson
Hugh Jackman
David Lee Roth
John McEnroe

Which woman started the "Fresh Air Fund"?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Shania Twain
Mariah Carey
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Celine Dion

William Broad is much better known as which persona?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Michael Stipe
Elvis Costello
Billy Idol

Which band was Courtney Love not a member of at one time or another?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Faith No More
The Muffs
Babes In Toyland

When did Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos marry?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /


What did Tyson Beckford say turned him off of the fashion world?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Ralph Lauren
Sean John
Reality TV Shows


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