Black to Play and Mate
Published in Chess Puzzles
In this position, ex-world champ Boris Spassky showed how to flush out a king from its cover and ensnare him in a mating net. That should be enough of a hint!
1...Rh4+!! 2.Kxh4 [The alternative is no better: 2.Kg2 Qe4+ 3.Kf2 Rf3+ 4.Kg2 Rf6# (4...Rff4#; 4...Rf5#). And 2.gxh4 is not legal because of the pin. ] 2...Qh7+ 3.Kg5 [3.Kg4 f5+ 4.Kg5 Kg7 5.Qd1 (5.c6 Qg6+ 6.Kh4 Qg4#) 5...Qh6+ 6.Kxf5 Qg6#] 3...f6+ 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kg5 Kg7 6.Rh2 Qg6+ 7.Kh4 Qg4#
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