I'm seven times seventy,
Plus a decade more.
This has all happened before.
Red and gold, I am no liar.
My nursery will be made
From my funeral pyre.
Who am I?
View full teaser and answerHalt!
Can you identify what phrase is represented here?
View full teaser and answerCompound Directions
Can you find the one word for each list that can be added to the end of each word in it's list to create a new word, compound word, or phrase?
White to Play
A good many chess puzzle sites give mating challenges that are of a few moves. I do that, too. However, I also like to throw in one like today’s puzzle. This is what I call a “step back” puzzle. I take what could be a challenging mating attack and then go back some moves before that to challenge you to find how the first steps took place. ...
View solutionYoung Love
Read this rebus backward to reveal a famous song.
2 T T T T
View full teaser and answerParis Pairs
The following sentences can be completed by adding two words that are anagrams of one another. Each word has only four letters. Enjoy!
1. If you prick your finger while picking a ____, it may be very ____.
2. If you take a ____ at the Mad Hatter's party, you still may not get a sip of his ____.
3. If you need some stamps, then you must ____ by the ____ office.
4. If you eat a whole ____ of a wedding cake, you may develop a spare ____ around your middle.
5. If you have a ____ with your friend, you should forgive them and focus on the future, not on the ____.
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White to Play
This is one pretty composition and one that is instruction as well with regard to promotions.
View solutionSay What?
The following phrases are colloquialisms, idioms or proverbs that are written in their literal, and rather complicated form. Can you uncover their true meanings and solve this teaser?
Example: "Don't place the two wheeled vehicle in a position preceding the equine mammal," is the proverb "Don't put the cart before the horse."
1. Positive aesthetic appeal is solely the equivalent of the thickness of the epidermis.
2. The ground covering of slender leaved plants is always a more vibrant hue of a common secondary color in the proximity of the opposite surface of a structure serving as a boundary.
3. Produce the sound of sharp tapping by striking blows to a processed piece of secondary ...
View full teaser and answer... the Forest for the Trees
In each sentence the name of a tree is hidden. The willow is hiding in the first sentence. Can you find the others?
1. I will owe you a favor if you drive me to the airport.
2. I am afraid of going up in elevators.
3. Drinking cocoa keeps me warm on long winter nights.
4. I hope the map leads us to buried treasure.
5. "Eat another bonbon," said our charming hostess.
6. Nepal may be the most interesting place I have ever visited.
7. Remember to fold the map, please.
8. I feel many lumps in this mattress.
9. Word processing is not as useful as pens and paper for creative brainstorming.
White to Play
We stick with the sublime main line instead of the ridiculous hopeless defenses Black could offer.
View solutionOne Similarity
scraughed, scrinched, scritched, scrooched, sprainged, spreathed, throughed, thrutched, strengths, straights, scratched, scrounged, scrunched, stretched, screeched, scraunched, broughams, and craunched.
All these words have one thing in common. What is it?
View full teaser and answerBinary Convention
During a recent cipher convention, a binary code contest took place. The contest consisted of a binary code transmission where the spaces between the letters were missing and there was no punctuation. Each letter of the alphabet was translated into its binary equivalent based on its position in the alphabet, a=1, b=10, c=11, d=100, e=101, f=110, g=111, h=1000, i=1001, j=1010, k=1011, l=1100, m=1101, n=1110, o=1111, p=10000, q=10001, r=10010, s=10011, t=10100, u=10101, v=10110, w=10111, x=11000, y=11001, z=11010. Can you find 9 countries?
The Reason
If you run, you will need me,
If you live, you will breathe me.
When you climb a mountain,
I will start to disappear,
No matter how hard you listen,
No sound will enter your ear.
I'm a reason you're alive,
Without me you would surely die.
The way I come in is not the way I get out,
Another hint is that you use me more when you shout.
Without a helper I would not get in or out at all.
What am I, and what is my helper?
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White to Play
You know Black is in trouble here. His major pieces are all gathered on the queenside. His castled position is very airy. White realized one other thing—the importance of the d8-h4 diagonal. Once you see why, you are about to produce a mating attack.
View solutionChunky Situation
Below, 10 nine letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These chunks have been mixed up, no chunk is used twice and all chunks are used. Can you determine what the 10 words are?
cer ent ead rat uti spr
ful oun pro ann ope ockr
nce een oat est liv ionr
nou sev ion ast hou akfr
bre bea ens dim bed sebr
Use Your Illusions ... Again
The following are famous books and their authors. Letters have been taken from each book and each author. From the letter list below fill in each letter to give the names of the books and authors.
D- Vi--i C-d-
Da- B-ow-
G-e-t E-pe-ta-io-s
Ch--le- D-c-e-s
To K--l A Mo-k--g Bird
Ha-p-r L-e
M--y Sh--l--
Of M--e An- M-n
J--n S-ei--e-k
The O-t-id--s
S. -. H--t-n
The A-v-ntu--s of H--kle-er-y F--n
M--k Tw--n
T-e Sil-n-e of t-e L-m-s
T--m-s Har--s
View full teaser and answerThe Tough Don't Hear It
What common phrase is represented by this rebus?
Easy going:
Weak, "I'm going."
Tough, "I'm staying."
Medium going:
Weak, "I'm going."
Tough, "I'm staying."
Tough going:
Weak, "I can't do it, I'm staying!"
Tough, "Lets get going."
Checkers's Dog
Checkers was meeting with the lazy Sorceress and Mr.Tin, two well known dog breeders. They were just ending a conversation about politics when Mr.Tin asked Checkers if he had ever owned a dog. Checkers, trying to make it seem as if he knows something about dogs said, "Yes, I used to have a Basenji. He would always bark when someone was coming up the driveway." Mr.Tin and the lazy Sorceress knew he was lying and decided to leave. What did he lie about?
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