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Cats of Ancient Egypt

Pamela Coop on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Ancient Egyptians revered the cat. The wild cats controlled the rats, snakes and other vermin that carried disease, thus slowing human sickness. At first wild, the cats eventually became domesticated as they became accustomed to humans. The Egyptians believed their Gods were intelligences that were held in a life body. Cats were worshiped as early as 3100 BC where there was found a crystal cup decorated with the lion-headded goddess Bast.

The Goddess Bast was first seen as a fierce lion but later her features softened to become more like that of a domestic cat. As cats were sacred to Bast, mummification was practiced and the respect they carried after death mirrored the respect they had in life. The Greek historian Herodotes wrote that if a cat died, the family members would mourn as if it were a human relative.

Sometimes they would shave off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. The cat is found mummified and decorated in many uncovered Egyptian tombs. Statues of cats made of precious metals are found entombed with Gods and Goddesses all over Egypt. Hieroglyphs depicting the revered cat are found on tomb walls and etched in goblets, vases and many other ancient pieces.

Herodotes also noted the cats were mummified and buried in the great cemetery. There also was found many tombs holding cremated remains of cats and their kittens. The Ancient Egyptians held the cat in the highest regard, as many of us modern peoples do also! The cat is still precious to many!



Pamela Coop - I worked for two wonderful veterinarians for 8 plus years and had many joyful and very sad experiences. Our pets are our family and we want them with us forever! Cremation is a growing service and a wonderful way to keep our pets with us forever. Urns and cremation jewelry as well as memorials and monuments are available. Please visit for a variety of affordable, quality urns and keepsake memorials.



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