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New Home Pet Odor - 4 Steps to Getting Rid of Pet Smells in Your New Home

Debbie Davis on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

So you walked in and you knew that this house was not just any home, it was to be your new home. It has the perfect floor plan and all the biggies on your must have list. The only problem is that it has a pet odor. Here are 4 things you can do to get rid of the pet odor and start living in your dream home.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Company-Preferably before you move in and while the house is empty, have your home professionally cleaned. This should include the entire house-steaming carpets, wiping down walls and surfaces, cleaning windows, sanitizing the inside of cabinets and drawers, and vacuuming. This gets rid of many of the odors left from the previous owners including their pets.

Remove Carpets-If cleaning doesn't work, removing the carpet and the padding is the next and more expensive step. It's important to wait for several days to see if this clears the smell. If you are still able to smell odor, it may be coming from the sub flooring. A reputable contractor will be able to tell you whether new sub flooring is needed.

Paint-Sometimes a pet's aim can be bad and urine and other unpleasant and odoriferous things can wind up on the wall. If a favorite spot on the wall was chosen, it can be pretty tricky to pinpoint the exact spot. A coat of paint may help seal the odor in the room that you suspect was a favorite for the previous owner's pet.

Use a Pet Odor Air Purifier-While you're trying to find the offending spot, you probably don't want to continue to breathe in these offending smells. Using an air purifier that is specifically designed to remove pet urine odors is an immediate solution. Continuously filtering the air buys you time to find and neutralize the offending spots.


An air cleaner that has multiple filters will remove not only odor but fine particulates that are common in the cleanest of homes. So by selecting a filter that has a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter you will also be removing airborne dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, as well as bacteria and viruses as small as.3 microns. A cleaner with interchangeable filters will also allow you to replace the pet odor filter that is mainly designed for allergies, or chemical sensitivities.

Finding, removing, and neutralizing pet odor in a new home or any home is far from an exact science, but by using a combination of these 4 suggestions you will be able to enjoy your new home without the pet odor.


An excellent HEPA air purifier to remove pet odor from your new home is offered by See it now at



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