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Stopping Your Dog From Jumping

Ryan Hill on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Many dog owners are faced with the common problem of their dogs jumping. When a dog is a puppy and jumps, many people find it cute and endearing and so the problem is allowed to continue unchecked. Regrettably, as the dog grows, this becomes more hazardous for the person on whom they are jumping and it is harder to correct.

It is vital that your training of your dog, including teaching it not to jump, begin as soon as you bring your pet home. Remember, it is never too late to start training your pet, whether it is a puppy or an older dog, as long as you don't get frustrated and stick to the plan. Again, the trick is to begin the training process as soon as your dog comes home and this will not only reinforce your position as master but also aid in keeping negative behavior from developing into a habit.

Teaching Your Dog Not to Jump.

Step #1 - Have a Command that Means "Off": The first item is to institute and off command. This command is to be used every time you dog jumps on you or a member of your family. It can be any word of your choosing, as long as it is short, to the point and easy for you to remember. Use your off command consistently, when the dog jumps up onto you. Your dog will learn at an even quicker rate if you have other people use the same commands when your dog jumps up onto them, showing your dog that no one approves of that type of behavior.

Step #2 - Teaching Sit: If you want to find other ways to keep your dog from jumping, you should show your dog how to sit. Use your sit command as soon as your dog comes up to you. As the training proceeds, you will soon have your dog sitting when he greets you, rather than jumping on you and ruining your clothing or knocking you over.

Step #3 - Get on the same level: Get down at your dog's level when you say hello to him or her. Your dog will be less likely to jump up onto you because you will be at eye level with them already, making them very happy. Eliminating the desire to jump by stooping down to greet them will help to break the habit of jumping. After you greet your dog and you stand up, if he attempts to jump again be sure to use the Off Command with a firm voice, followed by the Sit command so that your dog will be reminded that jumping will not be tolerated or rewarded.


Step #4 - Giving Your Dog a Time Out: Some dogs are more insistent on jumping than others, and if your dog proves to be particularly determined to jump then you may want to start practicing time outs. When the dog jumps up and does not adhere to your commands, put them in their crate or kennel. You will cut off the attention that your dog is seeking by putting him in a time out when they misbehave, showing them that you will not stand for that type of behavior and you won't positively reinforce it by spending more time with your dog.

Observing these steps with consistency should result in your dog's learning quickly that jumping is not allowed. Now, certain dogs will make the association more quickly than others. The important thing is to continue with the Off Command you have decided on, and the other steps listed here and follow them all consistently until your dog finally learns the lesson. If you find that your dog is particularly stubborn and he continues to resist the lesson and continue jumping, then you should probably seek the services of a professional dog trainer who can help you determine exactly where the breakdown is in your training methods.


Please visit for more FREE articles about stopping your dog from jumping. A great place for people interested in dog training and obedience.



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