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How to Stop a Male Cat From Spraying - Stop Him Stinking Up Your Home Now!

Sarah Ann Mountford on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Is your cat out of control and spraying happily all around your home? Well, you have a problem and one that needs to be resolved quickly, right? Well in this here article I will show you how to stop a male cat from spraying!

Your male cat does not seem to care where he marks his territory, but the most common place is usually your kitchen, the place where you prepare food and drinks, your cat strolls along your work tops without a care in the world lifting his tail and spraying as he goes along, its like he is slapping you in the face and taunting you to try and stop him, right? So you try but nothing works and you feel miserable and helpless!

I could go into all the reasons why your cat is doing this, but what you really want to know is how you can stop your cat spraying so that you can have a nice clean smelling home.

The very first thing you must do to stop your male cat from spraying is to clean all the areas where your he always sprays. You will need to be very very thorough when cleaning the areas where he usually marks his place because your cat has a much better sense of smell than us humans have, so you really need to make sure that it is spotless!

Once you have cleaned the spots where he marks his territory, the next step is to get some pet spray repellent. What you want to do is spray all those places where your cat loves to mark, do this every day and he should eventually stop his marking habit for good!


You can get all sorts of pet repellent sprays form your local pet store or market,you just have to be careful of what they contain because some could have chemicals in them that are not very good for your cat. the best sprays to use are natural sprays, you can either buy them or make your own natural pet repellent sprays. If you would prefer to do that then I show you where you can get the information at the end of this article.

One other point I should mention is that there are sometimes other reasons why your male cat could be spraying, if there has been a sudden change in your home, like a new pet, or even a new baby, those things can actually cause him stress and this will encourage your cat to start spraying because he feels he needs to exert his presence in your home.


To learn how to make your own Homemade Repellent Sprays to Stop Male Cat From Spraying then go to this website now and get your hands on their Free Course! on natural alternative methods for pets here at



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